Thursday, December 6, 2007

Evangelical Leaders Reiterate Call for Two-State Solution

Along with the Pope's call for The Universal Community of Hope , the "New Evangelicals" have been engaged in planting their ecumenical flags on the political landscape in the name of global peace.

First it was Rick Warren, and 100 other pastors seeking unity with Islam. Now, Tony Campolo, of the Red Letter Christians and 80 other "Evangelicals" signatories have signed a statement indicating their belief "that the way forward is for the Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate a fair, two-state solution."

The ecumenical march to global peace, by dividing Israel...have these "New Evangelicals" read their Bibles lately? Pastor Bob DeWaay writes in Redefining Christianity, "Rick Warren suggests that Jesus doesn't want us to even think about prophecy or His return. Warren tells us that it is none of our business. He tells us that thinking about Jesus' return is a ploy by Satan to get us distracted. (PDL, pp. 285, 286 )" Distracted from what...the Truth?

And those trouble-making Christian Fundamentalists will have to be dealt with because of their stubborn refusal to close their Bibles and their refusal to follow the global pied pipers of global peace and universal harmony.

The emerging matrix is growing abundantly clear...popular, political "Christians", such as Warren, McLaren, Campolo and Schuller are demonstrating to the world their version of Christianity. And the world loves it...deeds not creeds. Simply stated, another of unity across religions for peace, social justice and environmental responsibility. Another Gospel that displays Another Jesus.

See Dividing Jerusalem , Jerusalem the Stumbling Block , Under a Blood Red Moon and related posts.

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