Wednesday, December 19, 2007


By Paul Proctor

In a December 17th 2007 article titled, Rick Warren Counsels Jews on Recruiting Congregants, the Christian Post reported that the beloved senior pastor and founder of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest California, a Southern Baptist congregation, "attended a large Reform Jewish gathering last week to share tips on how to build a community."
So, instead of sharing Christ with his Jewish audience, Pastor Warren shared "tips on how to build a community?" …

…OK - I’m confused - We have a Christian pastor addressing a Jewish audience - so which holiday are they talking about here - or does it even matter?

…Is this why Jesus Christ was nailed to a cross - so Christians could proudly share their pragmatic principles with those who reject Him? Are we to conclude from this report that community involvement is more important than eternal life and the forgiveness of one’s sins?

…Why is this double-minded man still pastoring a Southern Baptist church? What does he have to do to get fired? And why do SBC pastors continue to teach and promote his books, his programs, his sermons and his P.E.A.C.E. Plan when apparently being Purpose Driven doesn’t even require faith in Christ?

…Jesus Christ rose from the dead and this "Christian" pastor talks casually to rabbis about "strengthening congregational life" around the synagogue? There is no life apart from Jesus Christ! That’s why He called the religious leaders of the day "whited sepulchers" that outwardly appeared beautiful, but inwardly were "full of dead men’s bones." (Matthew 23:27)

Read the rest here.
See also Islam, Judaism, Warrenism & Emergentism Under One Roof

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