Travelers from other planets ... or from hell?
From Jim Fletcher at World Net Daily:
Tom and Nita Horn have spent years researching how technology is being used by powerful forces to alter our world. Already we see television programs like "Being Human" (in which young people are vampires, werewolves and ghosts) and supernatural elements have been a focus of film for decades. I cite these examples in an attempt to help you see that "Forbidden Gates" should be given a wide hearing, since while its critics would say it strains credibility … their own worldviews are at least as fantastic.
In any event, "Forbidden Gates" is one of the most challenging, engrossing books I've read in some time. I happen to think the authors are on to something.
Something big.
The Bible describes early on a world so corrupt, God decided to virtually remake it. We learn of beings so evil, they had to be destroyed. Could we be seeing a repeat in our day?
...A side note: The authors of this book, Tom and Nita Horn, are cutting-edge publishers, who have purposed to serve as whistleblowers regarding certain subjects. Only days ago, their home burned to the ground, and Tom lost valuable research materials.
Read more: Travelers from other planets ... or from hell?
Learn more about the coming Singularity at Raiders News Network.
See also Transhumanism Critics' House Fire "Designed" , Engineering Post Modern Morality And Immortality , The Rise of Techno-Gods: The Merging of Transhumanism and Spirituality
The Doctrine Of Man: A Critique Of Christian Transhumanism , Genetic Sinlessness & The Church of The New World Order
See more on the rise of The Revived Fourth Kingdom.
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