From A Time of Departing, by Ray Yungen:
The question you may be asking right now is, "Why is Rick Warren included in a book that is covering New Age interspirituality and exposing the dangers of contemplative prayer? Are you saying that Rick Warren is heading in that direction too? Not America's pastor! Surely not." If that were the case, we'd hear about it from Christian leaders. Right? ... If indeed Rick Warren is promoting contemplative prayer, as I believe he is, this guarantees that contemplative prayer will be promoted on an enormous scale.
Through Rick Warren, Richard Foster's vision could enter fully into mainstream evangelicalism both in North America and around the world; and with the unprecedented following and support Warren has gained, we could be heading towards a crisis in the church that might possibly lead to the falling away that the Apostle Paul warns about. (ed. note: Yungen's prediction comes true in this post Christianity Today's Lectio Divina Small Group Study )
Warren's associate pastor Lance Witt, writes in "Enjoying God's Presence in Solitude," that we are "designed to enjoy the presence of God, but that's easier said than done." In the article, Witt uses Thomas Merton as an example of someone who knew about solitude. But Merton's solitude was connected to his Buddhist sympathies. Merton likened contemplative prayer to an LSD trip. Witt finishes his article with, "The goal of solitude is not so much to unplug from my crazy world, as it is to change frequencies so that I can hear the Father.
See more evidence of Purpose Driven mysticism at Lighthouse Trails Research Project.
Will pastors, deacons and congregations wake from the intoxication of Seeker Sensitive & Purpose Driven?
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