Monday, October 8, 2007

Barack Obama believes we can create a Kingdom right here on Earth.

Don Koenig reports:

Barack Obama claims that Republicans no longer have a firm grip on religion in political discourse, that is true. Most Evangelicals would say they are Christian and not religious. Religious people tend to try to get to heaven based on there own good works which is quite impossible. Christians on the other hand, get to heaven based on what God already did in His Son.It is very telling that Barack Obama would attend a heretical "Word Church" with a name it and claim it prosperity gospel. Two people he phrases in his speech have serious problems of their own. Bishop Jakes is a heretical oneness pentecostal that denies the Trinity or at least he will not affirm it. Rick Warren is so interwoven with world psychology and power brokers that it get rather hard to sort out what gospel he is now preaching. The gospel he preaches in his church and the purpose driven seeker friendly movement that he started, is really a watered down gospel that preaches a gospel of self fulfillment for want-to-be successful baby bloomers.Obama said that he is confident that we can create a Kingdom right here on Earth.

That view is heretical dominion theology. The Bible does not teach that the Church is going to bring a Kingdom on earth before the return of the King. Follow my links for more information on these subjects.One thing Word People, Warren and Obama all seem to have in common is the idea that religion is going to bring a paradise to this earth. This view all ties in with the Harlot of Revelation that rides the Beast Kingdom of the Antichrist into power.

Read the rest here...

See related article Connecting with the Almighty

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