Saturday, November 30, 2013
Pope: Signs of the end times
Pope Francis: Christian Persecution, Prohibition of Worship Signs of the End Times
Christian persecution and the cultural fear of public expressions of faith are signs of the end times, Pope Francis declared in a homily on Thursday.
"You must obey the orders which come from worldly powers – You can do many things, beautiful things, but not adore God. Worship is prohibited – this is at the center of the end of time," Pope Francis said in his daily homily in the chapel of the Vatican's Saint Martha guesthouse. Once we "reach the fullness of this pagan attitude…truly the Son of Man will come in a cloud with great power and glory," Francis declared, according to the Albany Tribune.
The pope preached on Jesus' speech in Luke 21 about the end times. In that passage, Jesus foretells the destruction of Jerusalem, and trials and tribulations that precede the end times.
"Then he said to them, 'nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. But before all this they will lay their hands on you and persecute you…for my name's sake," the passage reads. "For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory."
Before Jesus comes, the pope explained, "it will be an abomination, it will be desolation and abomination" in the temple. "It will be like the triumph of the prince of this world: the defeat of God."
Pope Francis declared that the worldly powers which try to make religion "a private thing," truly seek to destroy God. In response, the pope called on all believers to have faith like the prophet Daniel. Christians must pursue "fidelity like Daniel, who was faithful to his God and adored God until the end, and patience, because the hairs of our heads will not fall out – the Lord has promised this," the pope declared.
Francis warned about a "universal temptation" to give in to the deceitful ways of those against God, and Christians must avoid it. "This week it will do us good to think about this general apostasy which is called a ban on worship," the pope said, according to Vatican Radio.p
Friday, November 29, 2013
WARNING: Geomagnetic Sudden Impulse expected
Space Weather Message Code: WARSUD
Serial Number: 141
Issue Time: 2013 Nov 29 1257 UT
WARNING: Geomagnetic Sudden Impulse expected
Valid From: 2013 Nov 29 1350 UTC
Valid To: 2013 Nov 29 1450 UTC
IP Shock Passage Observed: 2013 Nov 29 1250 UTC
NOAA Space
Weather Scale descriptions can be found at
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
U.S.-backed Rebels Slaughter Syrian Christians
‘Largest Massacre of Christians in Syria’ Ignored
What happened in Sadad is the most serious and biggest massacre of Christians in Syria in the past two years and a half… 45 innocent civilians were martyred for no reason, and among them several women and children, many thrown into mass graves. Other civilians were threatened and terrorized. 30 were wounded and 10 are still missing. For one week, 1,500 families were held as hostages and human shields. Among them children, the elderly, the young, men and women…. All the houses of Sadad were robbed and property looted. The churches are damaged and desecrated, deprived of old books and precious furniture… What happened in Sadad is the largest massacre of Christians in Syria and the second in the Middle East, after the one in the Church of Our Lady of Salvation in Iraq, in 2010.
That no “human consciousness” is to be found in the White House, or in the editorial offices of the leading Western media, is now a matter of well-established record. Just try searching for “Sadad” (or alternatively “Saddad”) on the websites of the Department of State or The New York Times. Ditto the leading European dailies, the CNN/BBC/RTF, the human-rights defending “NGOs” et al.The problem, of which Archbishop Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh appears unaware, is no longer in the Western elite’s mere indifference to the impending demise of Christianity in the lands of its birth, but in its active, ongoing, and open contribution to that demise. Cyprus (1974) and the Balkans (1991-9) provided the test, Iraq (2003-today) the conclusive proof. In Syria the Obama administration remains committed to supporting the rebels—ah, yes, only the “moderate” ones, like the Christian-murdering “Free Syrian Army”(discretion advised again), not “even though” the result will be the same, but precisely because it will be.
The most precious in the whole universe [his family], are now gone, leaving me alone, but thank God I am still surrounded by these loving people who remain. I want to say, let people [the jihadis] return to their minds. The problems of the world can only be solved by knowledge and brains. Enough insanity, the nerves of the people are shredded. Enough, enough—return to your minds; you people, you humans—return to your humanity, enough crimes.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Defying China, U.S. bombers fly into East China Sea zone
Book review: 'The Global War on Christians'
It has been an astonishing last 12 months for books on the persecution of Christians when there has been such silence on the issue for so long.
First came ‘Christianophobia: A Faith Under Attack’ in late 2012; then the more simply titled, ‘Persecuted: the Global Assault on Christians’ in March of 2013; and now on November 1 the latest and longest of the titles so far: ‘The Global War on Christians: Despatches from the Front Lines of Anti-Christian Persecution’.

This is not always a fault of course, as they bring a bug-eyed enthusiasm to exposing statistics and trends that others in the field may have grown accustomed to tolerating, but what is fascinating is how similarly all three books read – they are all essentially journalistic briefings and round ups of countries and regions where persecution of Christians is rife.
Of the three, it is Allen’s that stands out as the most comprehensive and well written, showing a nodding acquaintance with a far wider range of source material than the two previous books, and bringing a deep knowledge of Roman Catholic sources into play, which is most welcome.
At times, Allen can be a little too generous, and his adoption of the controversially high martyrdom statistics of Todd Johnston’s Center for the Study of Global Christianity – most significantly the claim that the number of Christian martyrs runs at 100,000 per year – can land him into unnecessary trouble when recourse to more sober statistics would have made the point just as well.
Pope: Preaching Should Be Short and Sweet
"...The homily “should be brief and avoid taking on the semblance of a speech or a lecture” (138); it should be a “heart-to-heart communication” and avoid “purely moralistic or doctrinaire” preaching (142). He highlights the importance of preparation: “a preacher who does not prepare is not ‘spiritual’; he is dishonest and irresponsible” (145). Preaching should always be positive in order always to “offer hope” and “does not leave us trapped in negativity” (159). The approach to the proclamation of the Gospel should have positive characteristics: “approachability, readiness for dialogue, patience, a warmth and welcome, which is non-judgmental” (165).
Editor's note: It's official...Rome has gone seeker sensitive.
Pope: Authentic Islam and Koran are opposed to every form of violence
"...interreligious dialogue”, which must be conducted “clear and joyful in one’s own identity”, is “a necessary condition for peace in the world” and does not obscure evangelization (250-251); in our times, “our relationship with the followers of Islam has taken on great importance” (252). The Pope “humbly” entreats those countries of Islamic tradition to guarantee religious freedom to Christians, also “in light of the freedom which followers of Islam enjoy in Western countries!” “Faced with disconcerting episodes of violent fundamentalism” he urges us to “avoid hateful generalisations, for authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence” (253).
Editor's note: Perhaps the pope should tell that to the victims of the Islamic Jihad that is being waged globally.
See also:
Islamist War On Christians
Terrorist attacks and deaths hit record high
Shia-Sunni schism: A challenge to world peace
European Parliament identifies Wahabi and Salafi roots of global terrorism
What the Holiest Book of Islam Really says about Non-Muslims
Monday, November 25, 2013
Terrorist attacks and deaths hit record high
More than 8,500 terrorist attacks killed nearly 15,500 people last year as violence tore through Africa, Asia and the Middle East, according to the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism.
That’s a 69% rise in attacks and an 89% jump in fatalities from 2011, said START, one of the world’s leading terrorism-trackers.
Six of the seven most deadly groups are affiliated with al Qaeda, according to START, and most of the violence was committed in Muslim-majority countries.
The previous record for attacks was set in 2011 with more than 5,000 incidents; for fatalities the previous high was 2007 with more than 12,800 deaths.
- 25 Nov 2013 06:27:33 UTC
- 25 Nov 2013 02:27:34 near epicenter
- 25 Nov 2013 01:27:33 standard time in your timezone
Saturday, November 23, 2013
China establishes 'air-defence zone' over East China Sea

Signs in the heavens? Two comets racing towards Earth and Sun: ‘unprecedented’

- 23 Nov 2013 07:48:32 UTC
- 22 Nov 2013 19:48:33 near epicenter
- 23 Nov 2013 02:48:32 standard time in your timezone
Friday, November 22, 2013
In Memory of One From the Greatest Generation
Dad was a soft spoken man with an iron constitution tempered with generosity, compassion and humor. His character was forged in the home of Italian immigrants during the Great Depression. He learned at an early age how to face challenges and adversity and how a father provides and protects his family. He also learned what made this country great: freedom, security and opportunity for those willing to work hard for it.
His courage, endurance and perseverance would be tested as a munitions specialist loading bombs on B-17’s during World War II. His Squadron flew in the great Allied offenses of the D-Day invasion and The Battle of The Bulge. Dozens of men Dad served with never returned from their air missions over Germany. He witnessed firsthand the evil of tyranny and the high price of freedom.
Driven by the greater cause to free Europe from fascism, Dad overcame fear and doubt to fulfill his duty to his country. The country that gave his parents the hope of a better future for their children. He returned from the war with an intense devotion to God and his family.
On Oct 6, 1947, a day much like today, surrounded by family and friends here at this very church, he married Loretta Shea, the young woman who stole his heart with a wink of her eye. Their love for each other, and their faith in God would be their strength in times of tribulation and the joy in times of triumph in the years to come.
Faith and classical family values were foundational and nonnegotiable in our household. Every Sunday was a day of worship without exception. Respect and discipline guarded our home. Anything you wanted had to be worked for and earned. We were taught personal responsibility and accountability. Some of us had to learn those lessons the hard way and more than once. The closest thing to immediate gratification often took the form of Dilly bars from Dairy Queen during the summer.
Dad’s work ethic demonstrated tenacity, dedication and strength. He worked on his feet for 60 hours and more every week for nearly 30 years to provide for Ma and my 11 brothers and sisters. He worked hard because he watched his mother and father work hard for their family during the Great Depression. He worked hard because of the ultimate sacrifice his fellow soldiers made to protect our freedom. He worked hard so his kids could go to private school. He worked hard because he loved his wife and his family.
Dad spent what little free time he had working in the garden or working in the kitchen with Ma. Each of us have special memories of Dad’s pizza made from scratch, home made tomato sauce and fresh vegetables from the garden. Family meals were a sacred time. All the kids knew to be seated and quiet, waiting on Dad to say Grace. He modeled humility and gratitude toward God with devotion and reverence.
Holidays were special occasions because Dad had the day off. Some how every Christmas was filled with presents, every birthday celebrated with cake and ice cream. We never lacked for anything we needed growing up. We had a hard working, God fearing father who loved our mother. He loved us. These memories now will become holy ground.
Dad was blessed with the strength of his youth in his retirement years. He visited Marsha and Chris in Colorado. There he climbed the 300 + steps of the Sacred Heart Shrine like no flatlander could. He visited Theresa and Darrell in New York City. At the age of 67, he climbed the 357 steps to the top of the Statue of Liberty, and visited Ellis Island where his parents first began their American dream in 1903. He stayed with Kathy and me for several weeks in California. He hiked through Sequoia and Yosemite national parks, spent a blistering Fourth of July at Disneyland, and walked the Golden Gate bridge carrying his grandson Joey. At Universal Studios, Erika clung to Grampy for dear life as we rode through the King Kong attraction. He calmed her by singing, "you’re a big girl now." On several occasions, we heard him say quietly to himself, “ I wish Loretta could be here to see this.”
He explored Rome and his father’s hometown in Italy with Chip in the late nineties. He rototilled his garden well into his seventies. He never tired of his grandkids climbing all over him. Over the last few weeks of his life, those who witnessed Dad’s strength and endurance said with the utmost of respect that his will to live was “remarkable.”
Dad’s life was remarkable. He married a remarkable woman and raised a remarkable family against remarkable odds during a remarkable time in our country’s history. Dad was a man’s man. He modeled what a real man is, a real husband and a real father. Dad was not surrounded by the trappings of worldly success. His legacy cant be hung on a wall, or displayed in a frame. There are no trophy cases for what he accomplished in this life because his legacy is written in the hearts of his 12 children and 13 grand children.
The success of Dad’s life was revealed in the joy he took in being the quiet patriarch in the lives of his adult children and in the lives of his grand children. The success of Dad’s life was revealed by the love and sacrifice demonstrated by his family as his health began to decline.
By the way he lived and who he was, he taught me how to honor God, love my wife, and be a father to my children. It is a legacy that will challenge me for the rest of my life.
Tonight when you sit down for dinner, Give thanks to God for the food on your table, the country you live in and for the privilege of knowing my father, one of the unsung heroes who demonstrated the qualities that made this nation great…family, humility, sacrifice, honor, dedication, and perseverance undergirded with faith, hope and love.
From Psalm 91
14"Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him;
I will protect him, because he knows my name.
15When he calls to me, I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will rescue him and honor him.
16With long life I will satisfy him
and show him my salvation."
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Largest Massacre of Christians in Syria’ Ignored
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
- 19 Nov 2013 13:32:54 UTC
- 19 Nov 2013 22:32:55 near epicenter
- 19 Nov 2013 08:32:54 standard time in your timezone
Monday, November 18, 2013
The Muslim Brotherhood "Inside The Wire"
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Scotia Sea Quakes Summary
The November 17 earthquake is the latest in a series of moderate-to-large earthquakes to strike the same region over the past several days. The sequence began with a M 6.1 event on November 13 approximately 50 km to the west of the November 17 quake. On November 15, a M 6.8 earthquake struck very close to the preceding M 6.1. Since then, 9 aftershocks have been recorded in the area, ranging from M 4.7 to M 5.4, both near the previous earthquakes and in the same approximate location as the November 17 event.
Though the region surrounding the Scotia Sea is familiar with earthquakes, the majority occur around the subduction zone adjacent to the South Sandwich Islands, to the east of the November 17 earthquake. Just two events of M6 or greater have occurred within 250 km of this earthquake over the past 40 years – a M 6.0 230 km to the west in September 1979, and a M 7.6 160 km to the east in August 2003. These two events involved normal and oblique-normal faulting, respectively, associated with the same plate boundary. Neither is known to have caused damage or fatalities.
- 17 Nov 2013 11:12:12 UTC
- 17 Nov 2013 08:12:13 near epicenter
- 17 Nov 2013 06:12:12 standard time in your timezone
- 17 Nov 2013 14:04:18 UTC
- 17 Nov 2013 11:04:18 near epicenter
- 17 Nov 2013 09:04:18 standard time in your timezone
- 17 Nov 2013 14:59:13 UTC
- 17 Nov 2013 11:59:13 near epicenter
- 17 Nov 2013 09:59:13 standard time in your timezon
7.8 Mag Quake Scotia Sea
WASHINGTON: A powerful 7.8 magnitude undersea earthquake struck in the Scotia Sea, a remote region in the far south Atlantic near Antarctica, US earthquake monitors reported Sunday.
The quake struck at 0904 GMT in the ocean some 893 kilometers (550 miles) southwest of Grytviken, South Georgia, and 1,140 kilometers (710 miles) southeast of Ushuaia, Argentina, said the US Geological Survey, which monitors earthquakes worldwide. (AFP)
Saturday, November 16, 2013
- 16 Nov 2013 15:00:23 UTC
- 16 Nov 2013 12:00:23 near epicenter
- 16 Nov 2013 10:00:23 standard time in your timezone
- 16 Nov 2013 03:34:31 UTC
- 16 Nov 2013 00:34:32 near epicenter
- 15 Nov 2013 22:34:31 standard time in your timezone
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Oldest signs of life on Earth found'
Scientists discover potentially oldest signs of life on Earth – 3.5 billion-year-old microbe traces in rocks in Australia
Scientists have discovered possibly the earliest signs of life on Earth – remains of bacteria that are almost three-and-a-half billion years old – in a remote region of north-west Australia.
Evidence of the complex microbial ecosystem was found in sedimentary rocks in the remote Pilbara region in Western Australia, an area which contains some of the world's oldest rock formations.
..."These microbial mats could be seen by a Mars rover... It also helps with our understanding of when life first evolved and what sort of environment it evolved in and putting firm dates on when some pretty important things happened. Ultimately, we are looking for when that soup of chemicals became something that could be called life." The findings have been published in the journal Astrobiology.
Unpredictable pandemics' warning
By James GallagherHealth and science reporter, BBC News
14 November 2013 Last updated at 07:49

The world needs to be prepared for "unpredictable pandemics" from viruses making the leap from animals to people, scientists in Taiwan say.
Their warning follows the first reported case of a common bird flu, H6N1, being detected in a woman, earlier this year.
The patient recovered and no other cases have been detected.
But the Lancet Respiratory Medicine report said "intensive" monitoring of bird flu was needed.
In May 2013, the first human case of an H6N1 bird flu was detected in a woman in Taiwan. One of her neighbours bred ducks, geese and chickens - although the precise source of the infection has not been detected.o
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
- 13 Nov 2013 23:45:48 UTC
- 13 Nov 2013 20:45:49 near epicenter
- 13 Nov 2013 18:45:48
The Interfaith Industry
by Samuel Westrop
November 13, 2013 at 5:00 am
Leading interfaith activists such as Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg have defended working with extremist institutions by claiming, "We have to take risks to engage with each other. The Jewish community will be far weaker if we all shelter within a comfort zone labeled 'They all hate us out there'."
As the British Islamist preacher Haitham Al-Haddad noted, not only do Islamist groups employ interfaith dialogue as a deception, but it is a deception that is crucial: "We are talking about minorities living in the West so we have to provide them with workable solutions in the short run. … It is not the far ultimate aim of Muslims because the far ultimate aim for Muslims is to have Islam governing the whole world, Islamization of the whole globe."
Unfortunately, honorable activities do not only attract those with honorable intentions. Over the next decade, religious extremists may, in all likelihood, continue to foster violence and hatred in Britain. Should government really be in the business of promoting homophobes, anti-Semites and supporters of terror by continuing to fund, with taxpayers' money, interfaith networks so closely involved with the extremists themselves?
Interfaith dialogue is a powerful industry in Britain. Many hundreds of groups receive many hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers' funds to promote dialogue between groups of different faith. On the face of it, such initiatives appear to indicate progress and civilized discussion. But what sorts of groups are involved with the world of interfaith?
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Typhoon Haiyan leaves 1,774 dead
By Tuesday, officials had counted 1,774 of the bodies, but say that number may just be scratching the surface. They fear Haiyan may have taken as many as 10,000 lives.
- 12 Nov 2013 07:03:51 UTC
- 12 Nov 2013 19:03:52 near epicenter
- 12 Nov 2013 02:03:51 standard time in your timezone
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Official: Over 10,000 feared dead in Typhoon Haiyan
Friday, November 8, 2013
Pic A bizarre spinning object, described by NASA as "weird and freakish" and shooting jets of matter that causes it to move, has been spotted in our Solar System.
The mysterious rock, located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, was seen spewing matter from its surface by the Hubble space telescope on September 10. Then in a second image taken on September 23 the asteroid, dubbed P/2013 P5, appeared to have swung around significantly.
Professor David Jewitt – of the Department of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles – told The Register that the appearance of the asteroid is unique, and the team has some ideas of how it came to exhibit such unusual characteristics.
"One idea was that we were seeing ice on the asteroid outgassing, but the object is too hot, around 170 Kelvin, for ice," he explained. "An impact with the asteroid was discussed but that would leave one large plume, not six."
The current idea is that the asteroid is being spun around so quickly that it is breaking apart under the strain of its own rotation. The spin is probably the result of hundreds of thousands of years of slight pressure from solar emissions.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Strongest storm of 2013 heads for Philippines
(CNN) - Thousands of people in vulnerable areas of the Philippines are being relocated as the strongest storm on the planet so far this year spins toward the country.
With sustained winds of 305 kph (190 mph) and gusts as strong as 370 kph (230 mph), Super Typhoon Haiyan was churning across the Western Pacific toward the central Philippines as one of the most intense tropical cyclones ever recorded.
Its wind strength makes it equivalent to an exceptionally strong Category 5 hurricane.
Supreme Court debates public-prayer dispute
Two local women brought suit against Greece, New York, officials, objecting that the monthly public sessions on government open with invocations they say have been overwhelmingly Christian in nature over the years.
..."It's very divisive when you bring government into religion," Stephens told CNN from her home. "I don't believe in God, and Susan is Jewish, so to hear these ministers talk about Jesus and even have some of them who personally question our motives, it's just not appropriate."