Christian Research Network files this report from The Expositor:
How To a Become a Mature Christian ala Rick Warren
You got to give Rick Warren one thing, he is consistent if nothing else, even though his spiritual drivel is leading millions to a false sense of salvation and/or leading them away from the truth.
In a post at Christian Post.com, Warren published a story entitled Five Tools Saddleback Uses to Develop Spiritual Maturity, and in this self-serving diatribe, Warren begins by boasting of the grand success of Saddleback. He then proceeds to let all of us know just what we need to do to become spiritually mature.
Listen to the discussion in detail at The Mike Corley Program.
Editor's note:
Thank you Mr. Corley for bringing this into focus. Those who have studied Warren’s man-centered theology are well aware that the strategy of vagueness is part of the marketing and is undergirded with self-esteem psychology, ecumenism, and a potpourri of the mystical and commercial.
Biblical spiritual maturity is, as a fruit of the spirit, produced by “the unity of the faith” and “the knowledge of the Son of God.” These will lead to mature manhood, “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians. 4:13).Next verse speaking the truth in love, growing under the Truth into Him who is the Head, Christ. (Eph:14-15)Then add the concept of suffering, to be conformed into His image. The Purpose Driven Life has a blank page on these essential matters.
Since Warren’s theology is Biblically off-course out-of-the-gate, regarding Biblical Truth, his program of taking people around the training bases results in mere religious activity modeled after corporate America.
Any pastor concerned with the spiritual maturity of their flock can save themselves $300 and teach the whole counsel of God, verse by verse.
“But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their faculties trained by practice to distinguish good from evil” (Hebrews 5:14)
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