Thursday, June 26, 2008

Saddleback & SoulForce: Rick Warren's Half Lie?

The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender activist group SoulForce released a statement regarding their multiple visits to megachurches, including Southern Baptist Pastor Rick Warren's Saddleback church. The statement indicated the following:

On Father's Day 2008, a group of LGBT and straight-ally families attended services at Rick Warren's Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. The next day, a smaller group of about 8 families met with pastors and other staff of the
influential mega-church for lunch and an earnest conversation about faith, family, and the status of LGBT people in the church.

As previously reported by Watcher's Lamp, Rick Warren responded to the Soulforce event at the Get Religion blog:

We did not invite this group and I will not be meeting with them. They invited
themselves to draw attention to their cross country publicity stunt. My staff has already told them that neither my wife nor I will meet with them for any discussion or debate. This weekend, both Kay and I are receiving awards from two different universities so we’ll be out of town! Also, it’s Father’s Day and I’m spending the holiday with my children and grandchildren, as are all my staff.

Rick Warren postures himself as if he is philosophically opposed to the visit, but it's Sunday and the church doors will be open to all who enter. And if that was truly the case, Rick Warren's comment may have a leg to stand on.

However, Rick Warren's alibi regarding his absence that weekend fails as a smokescreen. The SoulForce press release reveals the prior planning and coordination that was done months in advance with the megachurches, including Saddleback:

In December 2007, organizers of the project -- which is called The American Family Outing -- invited the leaders of six mega-churches to match families from their congregations with LGBT and straight-ally families for a meal and

Bob Bednar of Saddleback participated in the SoulForce event:

"Being there showed me in a powerful way exactly how brave my LGBT team members were to go into that kind of atmosphere and insist that church leaders recognize their pain and start to see it as their own pain, too," said Bednar.

"As a straight ally, it was inspiring to work alongside them. But the experience
also showed me how far we have to go," Bednar concluded.
A sympathetic and politically correct statement from a public square Christian that reflects the dialogue of compromise instead of the call for new life in Christ as bought by His blood.

No, Pastor Warren, you may not have been present for the SoulForce event, but it is obvious you left out a few key facts that paint an entirely different picture of your real intent. With the skill of a politician, Warren successfully threads the needle of half-truths regarding the SoulForce visit.

Truly, this duplicity in Warren's actions reveal the character of his personality, and not the character of Christ whom he claims to represent.

Once again, Watcher's Lamp asks this question of Southern Baptist Pastor Rick Warren:

You may be out of town this weekend, but as former CEO’s have found out the hard way. . .you are still responsible for what goes on at your Church,
whether you are physically present or not.

Providing that as an excuse, Pastor Warren, seems out of character for such a man who travels in global circles.

You’re certainly going out of your way to make this group feel welcome.
Will you or your staff present
the scandal of The Cross during this two day event?

See related articles:Rick Warren Washes His Hands of SoulForce But Saddleback Sets The Table , Rick Warren: Playing Both Sides of the Gay Agenda , Saddleback Set To Entertain Gay Activists , Christian Leader Pays For Speaking Out Against Rick Warren

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