The Wall Street Journal has
an article by Ralph Nader and Toby Heaps which declares:
We Need a Global Carbon Tax
The cap-and-trade approach won't stop global warming
The headline and article presupposes that climate change can be controlled by reducing greenhouse gases of industrialized nations . Is there a hidden agenda behind regulating carbon emissions?
Dr. Michael Coffman of
Sovereignty International and
Discerning Today says absolutely. The organization who stopped the onerous Convention on Biological Diversity an hour before the U.S. Senate was scheduled to vote on it – has just produced a professional DVD in which dozens of scientists, experts and politicians tell the other side of the global warming story. Called
Global Warming or Global Governance?, this powerful DVD is the skeptics answer to sharing hard facts with those who believe mankind is causing global warming with his CO2 belching SUVs and factories. After viewing this DVD, most believers of man-caused warming will either reject the fraud, or began to seriously question it.
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