Wednesday, April 2, 2008



"First they came for “resisters” and “pillars” of Brunswick Reformed Church, Brunswick, Ohio because they opposed Purpose Driven Life and Church, but I didn't speak up because I was not a member of Reformed Church of American (RCA) denomination.

Then they came after a lady who was an elder lady in the faith who had been with the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas since 1956 by shouting her down with spiritual euthanasia and aggressive mean-spirited behavior, and the intimidation of seven attorneys, because she opposed them turning their landmark Criswell Center into a Purpose Driven entertainment center. But I did not speak up because I was not a widow.

Then they held a trial for two families at Valley Baptist Church in Lakeland, Minnesota, but I didn't speak up because I was not a member of the General Baptist Convention.

Then they came after 165 members of Gardendale Baptist Church, Corpus Christi, Texas and ran them out of the church, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Southern Baptist.

Then a brother did finally speak up and tried to warn Eugene Christian Fellowship because they had gone Purpose Driven, but they threatened legal action and told him to stop spamming them. But I did not speak up for fear of being accused of spamming or being sued by a church.

Read the rest of James Sundquist's adaptation of Rev. Martin Neimoeller's Poem at Let Us Reason Ministries

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