Friday, April 11, 2008

Mantras, Mysticism and the Cosmic Mind

"Christianizing" mantras by repeating a word out of the Bible does not make the practice of mysticism Biblical. It does not make the practice any less dangerous. Here's just one example of where it brings the unsuspecting participant...

"...the mind is able to relax and follow its tone and in so doing enables you - the meditator - to arrive easily into the deepest realm of pure cosmic awareness. This mantra is like a vehicle that carries the mind to its Source - silent, deep, peaceful, eternal Mind.

It is our hope that the gift of this meditation technique will enable many to attain the state of perfect inner peace and enlightenment and from that state of consciousness join together to create the long awaited time of Universal Peace!" - Nexus of Science /Spirituality/ and Politics

Editor's note: Promise of enlightment, perfect inner peace, higher state of consciousness? Sounds like what the Serpent offered to Eve, to be as God, in rebellion against God.

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