Here's Rick Warren at the Davos World Economic Forum's session on Faith and Modernization telling global business leaders that...
"The future of the world is not secularism but religious pluralism..."

Here's Roman Catholic Theodore McCarrick, Archbishop of Washington DC (2001-2006) on the same panel speaking on religious values...
You can't have an organization without values, and where do those values come from? Our religious traditions...what ever those traditions are...

Here's Rick Warren at an interview from the Exponential Conference, sharing what he calls "the secret of church growth", as he employs a childhood method of simulating the sound of passing gas ( even after being advised the tape was rolling ).
Warren then announced he was to meet with McCarrick and a group of Roman Catholic leaders at Georgetown University to discuss Warren's PEACE plan.
The smell of global ecumenism is in the air, compliments of America's pastor.
See related posts on Rick Warren's trip to Davos World Economic Forum and posts on Georgetown University.
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