While the Roman Catholic Church is still reeling from the global sex abuse scandal, will the Pope throw the proverbial
"Hail Mary" by declaring Mary Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix of all Graces and Advocate, otherwise known as the
5th Marian Dogma?
Such an announcement,
if made on May 31, would coincide with the prophecies issued by the apparition of Mary concerning the 5th Marian Dogma on the date of May 31. The apparition also identified itself as
The Lady of Nations:
"This day [May 31] will in due time, be the 'Coronation Day' of His Mother, 'the Lady of All Nations,' who once was Mary" (May 31, 1954). "Hold yourself in readiness for May 31st" (May 23, 1963). "The Holy Father will proclaim Her Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate" (May 31, 1979). "He has but to command and it will happen" (December 3, 1949). "First, however, let the Church and the nations invoke Mary under the new title and say Her prayer" (October 11, 1953). "...You will have to help him to achieve this [by signing the petition and saying the prayer]. Make no mistake about it" (May 31, 1954).
"I have chosen this day: on this day (May 31) the Lady will be crowned!" ("The Lady of All Nations: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate" on May 31, 1954.)
"The Lady of All Nations' most fervent desire is to save souls, bring the peace of the Holy Spirit to the nations, and make Our Lord's Cross the center of this world. Thus, "Her mission is to gather all nations into One Community" (cf May 31, 1955).
"On May 31, 1952, She said: "The Church is the Community of Nations...The Church is and remains!" This is underscored in a vision of September 21, 1951 in which a crown is placed on the head of the Vicar of Christ, the Pope, who is the spiritual leader of the Church. The Pope, the visible head of the One and Only Church, the Catholic Church, represents Christ the King, Lord of All Nations, Who has dominion over all nations. "
Editor's note: During his visit to Fatima this month Benedict XVI referred to Mary as “mediatrix of grace”.
See more about the Mary of Rome here.