Here we point your attention to something called Monvee, which is billed as The Future Of Spiritual Formation. According to Tony Morgan, “pastor of Pastor of Ministries at West Ridge Church near Atlanta,” it seems monvee will Reshape Spiritual Formation. Now if you don’t know, Morgan is well-known in the Purpose Driven/Seeker Driven circles of Popes Of The Carolinas such as Perry Noble and his disciple Steven Furtick. At Morgan’s website you’ll see he’s worked with Noble:
For more than 10 years, Tony served on the senior leadership teams at NewSpring Church (Anderson, SC)… He’s also a strategist, coach, writer, speaker and consultant who equips leaders and churches to impact their communities for Christ. (Online source)
In fact, Morgan’s stature is such that he’s going to be featured in something called The Whiteboard Sessions—1 Day 7 Influential Leaders—in May along with Noble and Dr. Al Mohler:
The Whiteboard Sessions is a one-day conference on Friday, May 21, 2010 about ideas in ministry – ideas that will stretch our thinking and shape the church’s future. (Online source)
Morgan tells us in his post about Monvee:
I had the opportunity to sit around a table at Panera and talk about the future of spiritual formation in local churches. I heard the vision from Mark Bankord, the Directional Leader and co-founder of Heartland Community Church in Rockford, Illinois, and Eric Parks, the Chief Creative Officer of monvee. (Online source)
He goes on to share that Monvee “recommends resources and practices to help people experience growth” and then we note carefully who Morgan mentions next as he says, “Oh…and it doesn’t hurt that guys like John Ortberg and Dallas Willard have been involved in shaping the solution.”
I suggest you make the time to go through the information in Is Dallas Willard A Christian?, where you can also listen to the Fighting for the Faith program of Christian apologist Chris Rosebrough from Pirate Christian Radio...
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