Thursday, October 1, 2009

Is cosmic and solar radiation wreaking havoc on the Earth?

Matthew 24:7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.

NASA has reported that "the influx of galactic cosmic rays into our solar system has reached a record high. Measurements by NASA's Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft indicate that cosmic rays are 19 per cent more abundant than any previous level seen since space flight began a half century ago."

If that is the case, can the Earth's weakened magnetic field take the beating? How long will it be able to protect the fragile climate conditions and the people of the world?

Though the sun's radiation levels are at near record low, it is due to ramp up and peak in 2012.

Increased cosmic radiation plus the 2012 solar radiation peak will pour into the recently discovered "leaks" in the earth's magnetic field.

There is mounting evidence that space radiation may wreak havoc with global climate conditions. Some theorize that radiation may even impact quake and volcanic activity worldwide.

Now, a double dose of cosmic and solar radiation is building to assault the earth. Reducing man's carbon footprint upon the earth has nothing to do with climate change.

The nations stand powerless against this invisible enemy.

UPDATE: NASA issued three solar wind (radiation) alerts between September 27-29, 2009. The same time period for the intense quake activity.

The TerraMagnetoScope project monitors radiation and corrolates the data with seismic activity. Unfortunately, the geological sensor reporting is currently off line. However, the site indicates number of earthquakes to be in the RED.

See emergency preparedness resources at Dare To Prepare. Now is a good time to look in the mirror and ask yourself: Are You Good Enough To Go To Heaven? See related video Season of Signs: Passover Through Pentecost 2009

See related posts:

Man Made Global Warming Hoax

Global Warming or Global Governance

Solar Storms + Weak Magnetic Field = Disasters

Climate Change Now The Main Driver of Natural Disasters

UN Blowback: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

See all posts related to Climate Change and Solar Storm.

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