The True Church Conference:
We desire to focus on the passionate preaching of the great doctrines of Scripture that are being neglected in today¹s church. I'm convinced no doctrine is more neglected or misunderstood than the doctrine of conversion. Easy believism, decisionism, and manipulative altar calls have replaced the sound preaching of the Gospel calling sinners to repentance and faith. The result is an unregenerate church membership and bloated membership rolls.
As Dr. Al Mohler writes, "We are reaping the harvest of doctrinal neglect. The urgency of this task cannot be ignored. Baptists will either recover our denominational heritage and rebuild our doctrinal foundations, or in the next generation there will be no authentic Baptist witness."
Anchored in Truth Ministries is the expository preaching ministry of Jeff Noblit, Senior Pastor-Teacher of First Baptist Church of Muscle Shoals, Alabama. He has served as Senior Pastor-Teacher since 1989 and God has enabled him to preach expostionally through some of the great doctrinal books of the Bible. Anchored in Truth Ministries is the distribution mechanism for those teachings.
This site gives you daily radio broadcasts, message archives, resources, and other information about Anchored in Truth Ministries. It is our desire that this site will serve as a resource for you and your personal growth and ministry.
See also IX Marks Gospel Growth Conference, Together for the Gospel, Sovereign Grace Ministries, The Shepherds' Conference
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