Saturday, April 9, 2011

Brazil's School Shooter Acted On Islamic Beliefs

Rio De Janeiro Shooting Leaves 13 Dead

13 people are dead after a gunman opened fire in a primary school in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil today. When police arrived on the scene, the gunman took his own life.

According to NPR, 13 children were killed and another 18 were injured, some of whom remain in critical condition, Sergio Cabral, governor of the state of Rio, announced in a press conference this afternoon. 23-year-old former student Wellington Menezes de Olveira, who entered a classroom and announced he was giving a speech to the children, pulled two handguns and began firing.

...Col. Djalman Beltrame, who commands the 14th batallion, said the letter contained "fundamentalists themes and religious themes" and spoke of "terrorists practices."

The Brazilian media is reporting that the gunman was a Muslim, and that his prime motivation for the shootings was his Islamic beliefs. Translated from the Brazil Journal "Sister says shooter was strange, and had no friends": In an interview with Radio Band News, Rosilane Menezes, sister of gunman Wellington Menezes de Oliveira, said he was strange, reserved and without friends. "He was so focused on things related to Islam and had let his beard grow long. He was weird, he was on the internet all day reading related issues and it was very strange, very secretive," she said. Wellington left a letter with disconnected sentences, but with fundamentalist tendencies, said Lt. Col. Djalma Beltrame, commander of Battalion 14. "He was on the internet using Muslim sites... It's crazy. Only a crazy person could do this to children, said the commander..."

Watch this stunning Glenn Beck report exposing the terrorist threat, THE PERFECT DAY, upon American schools

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