Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Base Metal of Campolo's Christian Socialism

The Base Metal of Christian Socialism

by Joel McDurmon, The American vision, Sep 25, 2009
I am currently at work revising and expanding my free ebook God versus Socialism so that American Vision can produce a print version. The book will nearly double in length to about 150 pages and will expand the Bible’s criticism of socialism into at least three of the major voices of Christian socialism today: Jim Wallis, Tony Campolo, and Ron Sider. Each of these three men call themselves Evangelicals, profess to believe the Bible and the classic doctrines of the apostles’ creed. Each claim to only teach what the Bible teaches on poverty and politics, to have “no particular political agenda,” and yet the policies each proposes always line up point-by-point with the platform of the Democratic party. Yet since they put it forth under the guise of the Bible, Campolo argues that not to support his favored liberal legislation is “sinful.” I think there’s something fishy here.

Last week I wrote about the Fabian socialists and their effort to be wolves in sheep’s clothing. They wished to advance Marxism and socialism without being detected as atheistic revolutionary socialists. The attempted to subvert the Christians by using biblical ideas and Christian language to present socialist ideas that actually contradict the Bible. The three men I cover stand in this tradition. What follows—a brief excerpt from my upcoming book—will show that this has been going on for a long time. Socialism got its foothold in this country through active, concerned Christians duped by the propaganda wrapped in Bible verses...

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