Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Patriach of Orthodox Church: Lost Ark To Be Revealed June 26, 2009

THE WORLD WILL KNOW OF THE ARK - Patriach of Ethopia

Soon the world will admire the Ark of the described in the Bible as the container of the Tables of the Law which God gave to Moses and the center, over the centuries, of research and studies.

Orthodox Patriarch, Abuna Pauolos wants to reveal secret and the millennium in an exclusive interview all'ADNKRONOS explains:''I am ripe time to tell the truth.

Soon the world will admire the Ark of the described in the Bible as the container of the Tables of the Law which God gave to Moses and the center, over the centuries, of research and studies.

He said in an interview exclusive video all'ADNKRONOS, Ign visible on the site, tested on-line site Adnkronos (www.adnkronos.com), the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia Abuna Pauolos, in these days in Italy for 'G8 of Religions', and that tomorrow will meet Pope Benedict XVI for the first time and to which, "if you ask - continued the Patriarch - tell the whole of part of the current situation."

"The Ark of - reaffirms Pauolos - is in Ethiopia for many centuries. Patriarca As I saw with my own eyes and only a few very qualified people have been able to do the same, so far." According to the patriarch is kept in a church, but to defend the authentic copy of a religious symbol and 'been placed in every church in the country.

The official announcement that the Etopia give the world the keys to the secret part of the millennium, will be given next Friday during a press conference at the Hotel Aldrovandi 14 Rome from the Orthodox Patriarch of Ethiopia, along with Prince Aklile Berhan Makonnen Haile Selassie, and the Duke Amedeo D'Aosta, which will be in Rome tomorrow morning.

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