Friday, August 1, 2008

The Price of Personal Pursuits

Richard Abanes dropped by and left a few comments regarding this post, "Throwing Cyber-sand In The Face of A Purpose-Driven Resister". ( click on the link to see his comments.)

In light of his visit, I wish to share the following:

Mr. Abanes,

I am not sure why you had to make a statement for the record regarding lawsuits, as my post made no such reference or implication.

You are entitled to your interpretation of these events. You are entitled to your opinion about what Pastor Ken Silva wrote in both articles in question. You are entitled to defend your position.

In these personal entitlements to which you avail yourself, have you considered that the leverage of your entitlement is solely driven by your personal opinion?

Do you really want to subjugate a pastor's role in protecting the church from false teaching (Acts 20:28-31; 1 Co. 14:29; 1 Tim. 4:1-6; Tit. 1:9-13) to your personal pursuit?

Do you really want to publicize a lack of charity, honor and respect toward a pastor (1 Th. 5:12-13, 1 Pet. 5:3, Heb. 13:17) and create a stumbling block for others (Romans 14:13-18) who are observing this issue?

Do you really want this matter to be simply a pursuit of public opinion at the expense of doctrinal purity and Christian example?

If you really feel that you have been civilly harmed, take it offline and get legal counsel.
(consider 1 Cor. 6:1-8)

In all your getting Mr. Abanes, may I suggest you contact a Biblical pastor and get Biblical counsel to this Biblical matter.

See related articles and links: Where's The Libel or Defamation, Mr. Abanes? , The Tainted Fruit of Purpose Driven , BATTLES IN THE BLOGOSPHERE


  1. Jim,

    Biblical, godly counsel is one of the many (as of yet) unanswered questions surrounding this sad and sorry event.

    I pray the facts will be more forthcoming than they have been to date.

    I saw your comment over at Daniel's Place and followed your link back to read this piece and you echoed many of my own lingering scriptural questions on this issue.

    Like Daniel you are invited to participate in the conversation started by Abanes at DefConhere.

    In Christ,

  2. Jim,
    Really well said!
    I'm praying for Mr. Abanes, he'll give an account for the choices that his pride has made.
    In His Name.


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