Thursday, December 13, 2007

More Emerging Mysticism

Apprising Ministries exposes more of the mystical roots of the Emerging Church...

So on the word of Emergent Guru McLaren, one of the major leaders in this neo-orthodox (at best) Emergent rebellion against the Bible, Tony Jones has provided “an important resource” for the “spiritual formation” of your youth. And Dr. Kenda Dean, ordained as an elder in violation of the Word of God, tells us Jones makes these alleged “ancient spiritual teachers” familiar to your kids to guide them “in the life of prayer.”

But what they aren’t telling you is that this so-called spiritual formation is the counterfeit Christianity of contemplative spirituality which flowered in the anti-biblical monastic traditions of apostate Roman Catholicism. And these ancient spiritual teachers in turn developed their own “spiritual disciplines” from the mystic musings of the equally apostate eastern “Desert Fathers and Mothers” who had originally taken them from pagan practices they had gleaned meditating with Hindus and Buddhists.

And also note above how Dean tells us that in DIEG Jones teaches “the soul-shaping discipline of lectio divina.” Actually that’s a bit of a play on words on Dean’s part because Jones has also written a book Soul Shaper: Exploring Spirituality and Contemplative Practices in Youth Ministry. Within it Tony Jones fills you in on the historical background concerning “centering prayer,” one of these “ancient spiritual disciplines” practiced by what have become known as “Christian” mystics...

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