From page 10, Introduction of Redefining Christianity by Pastor Bob DeWaay:
"The version of Christianity that Rick Warren presents to world leaders redefines the message of the first century apostles. The key difference is that the biblical version did not appeal to the world; it appealed only to those who were converted. Warren’s version is popular with the world."
"Rick Warren has designed a message that appeals to religious consumers whether or not the Holy Spirit has convicted them of their sins. He has devised a business system to mass-market this message to the world. Through his system, he has created a way for pastors to share his success. The sheer effectiveness of this system is rapidly transforming evangelicalism. This transformation is not just a transformation of practice; it is a transformation of message. The change in the practice makes it transferable across a wide spectrum of denominational and theological affiliations. The change in the message makes it acceptable to a wide range of religious consumers…"
"…The world may indeed love this new version ( of Christianity ) and listen, but what it is hearing is something substantially different from biblical Christianity that the world hates and rejects"
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