Pastor Ken Silva "calls a spade a spade" regarding the condition of the SBC...
It's simply a matter of time when an organization lacks real men in leadership. And here's more drift toward apostasy for the SBC (Soiled By Compromise) as it continues licking the feet of its idol of autonomy. Christian Post reports:
A Baptist megachurch in Decatur, Ga., is preparing to take the rare step of calling a female pastor to lead its congregation.
First Baptist is affiliated with Cooperative Baptist Fellowship – a moderate splinter group of the Southern Baptist Convention – but still maintains ties with the SBC.
Isn't there one SBC leader with any spiritual guts to speak up?
Revelation 18
4And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
SBC: Soiled By Compromise
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Evangelical Christianity is Fighting For It's Life
What is the biggest threat to today's evangelical Christianity? Find out in this video from Cross TV & OLD
Church Growth,
Purpose Driven,
Does God Have a Wonderful Plan For Your Life?
That depends. If you die unconverted, you'll think He has a terrible plan for you. But what about Christians, can we tell other believers that He has a wonderful plan for their life?
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Is Your Church Getting Half The Truth?
See & Hear It For Yourself
The problem with many evangelistic messages these days isn't so much what IS said; the problem is what is NOT said. And as the video clip explains, a half truth presented as though it were a whole truth is an UNtruth.
The problem with many evangelistic messages these days isn't so much what IS said; the problem is what is NOT said. And as the video clip explains, a half truth presented as though it were a whole truth is an UNtruth.
Video Indictment of the Market-Driven Churches
See & Hear It For Yourself:
Pastor Gary Gilley of Southern View Chapel presents...
This video is the first part of a four part series on the damning indictment of the market-driven churches that are so popular today. This first video is an introduction to the church in the age of entertainment. Dr. Gilley contends that the church has sold out to our culture so that the influences of the culture have become the influences in the church. The most significant forces pressing against the church are entertainment, market driven philosophies and psychology. These three are largely absent from the Bible, yet are startlingly prevalent in evangelical churches. The leaders and issues he concentrates on most are Rick Warren and his book The Purpose Driven Church, Bill Hybels and Lee Strobel. In the fourth part of this series, Dr. Gilley will explain what the Emerging Church is and how it is dangerous to the Evangelical community.
Click on the "play" button for Part One...
Pastor Gary Gilley of Southern View Chapel presents...
This video is the first part of a four part series on the damning indictment of the market-driven churches that are so popular today. This first video is an introduction to the church in the age of entertainment. Dr. Gilley contends that the church has sold out to our culture so that the influences of the culture have become the influences in the church. The most significant forces pressing against the church are entertainment, market driven philosophies and psychology. These three are largely absent from the Bible, yet are startlingly prevalent in evangelical churches. The leaders and issues he concentrates on most are Rick Warren and his book The Purpose Driven Church, Bill Hybels and Lee Strobel. In the fourth part of this series, Dr. Gilley will explain what the Emerging Church is and how it is dangerous to the Evangelical community.
Click on the "play" button for Part One...
Monday, May 28, 2007
Adopt Our Troops In Prayer
The Presidential Prayer Team "Prayer Wall" for our troops...
Post a prayer for our troops across the globe.
(The views expressed on this Prayer Wall do not necessarily reflect the views of The Presidential Prayer Team or this blog.)
James 5:16 (King James Version)
16Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Post a prayer for our troops across the globe.
(The views expressed on this Prayer Wall do not necessarily reflect the views of The Presidential Prayer Team or this blog.)
James 5:16 (King James Version)
16Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
My brother who 'gave all' in Vietnam
Exclusive WorldNet Daily Commentary with Chuck Norris...
"...Hundreds more of our troops have given their lives since I was in Iraq at the invitation of the Marine Corps in November of 2006, and so we add those valiant warriors to the names of those we commemorate on this Memorial Day. We will never forget their service or sacrifice – men like Pfc. Michael Pursel, Spc. Joel Lewis, Sgt. Jason Harkins, Cpl. Matthew Alexander and a man who deserves more honor and respect than he gave me, which was a great deal, Cpl. Anthony M. Bradshaw. Their combat within modern city lines speaks even further to their degree of selflessness – something well-documented in the new book, "Forests of Steel," by Col. John Antal and Lt. Col. Bradley Gericke. "
"And to all of our living service men and women, we salute you, pray for you and hope for all of your safe return. But if, by destiny, like Wieland, you should breathe your last on the battlefield, rest assured your sacrifice will never be forgotten. Until then, fight the fight, keep the faith and press on for the prize!"
"...Hundreds more of our troops have given their lives since I was in Iraq at the invitation of the Marine Corps in November of 2006, and so we add those valiant warriors to the names of those we commemorate on this Memorial Day. We will never forget their service or sacrifice – men like Pfc. Michael Pursel, Spc. Joel Lewis, Sgt. Jason Harkins, Cpl. Matthew Alexander and a man who deserves more honor and respect than he gave me, which was a great deal, Cpl. Anthony M. Bradshaw. Their combat within modern city lines speaks even further to their degree of selflessness – something well-documented in the new book, "Forests of Steel," by Col. John Antal and Lt. Col. Bradley Gericke. "
"And to all of our living service men and women, we salute you, pray for you and hope for all of your safe return. But if, by destiny, like Wieland, you should breathe your last on the battlefield, rest assured your sacrifice will never be forgotten. Until then, fight the fight, keep the faith and press on for the prize!"
Preaching The Book God Wrote
Dr. John MacArthur holds a mirror to the American pulpits...
"The modern evangelical’s commitment to the authority and inerrancy of the Bible doesn’t always flesh out in ministry. Shouldn’t our preaching reflect our conviction that God’s Word is infallibly authoritative? Too often, it doesn’t. In fact, there is a discernable trend in contemporary evangelicalism away from biblical preaching, and a corresponding drift toward experience-centered, pragmatic, topical messages in the pulpit.
How can this be? Shouldn’t our preaching reflect our conviction that the Bible is the verbally inspired, inerrant Word of God? If we believe that “all Scripture is inspired by God” and inerrant, shouldn’t we be equally committed to the truth that it is “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work”? [2] Shouldn’t that magnificent truth determine how we preach?"
Editor's Note: Put your pastor's face in this mirror...what do you see?
"The modern evangelical’s commitment to the authority and inerrancy of the Bible doesn’t always flesh out in ministry. Shouldn’t our preaching reflect our conviction that God’s Word is infallibly authoritative? Too often, it doesn’t. In fact, there is a discernable trend in contemporary evangelicalism away from biblical preaching, and a corresponding drift toward experience-centered, pragmatic, topical messages in the pulpit.
How can this be? Shouldn’t our preaching reflect our conviction that the Bible is the verbally inspired, inerrant Word of God? If we believe that “all Scripture is inspired by God” and inerrant, shouldn’t we be equally committed to the truth that it is “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work”? [2] Shouldn’t that magnificent truth determine how we preach?"
Editor's Note: Put your pastor's face in this mirror...what do you see?
Friday, May 25, 2007
WARNING: For Adults Only
It is tragic that such a warning is necessary, but these Harper Collins book titles identified by Shane Trammel are not appropriate for any age group. No doubt that these books generate revenue for Mr. Rupert Murdock. Revenue includes profit margins. Profits support donations ($2 million dollars to the PEACE Plan) to his publicly, self-appointed pastor Rick Warren, who readily accepts the funds.
But you can't call it "blood money", because no one is getting hurt, right? After all, it is going for a good cause.
Just like Pastor Rick says, I honestly don’t care what your motivation is to do good, as long as you do good."
Just one question, Pastor Rick: "What are your Scripture references for your statement?"
But you can't call it "blood money", because no one is getting hurt, right? After all, it is going for a good cause.
Just like Pastor Rick says, I honestly don’t care what your motivation is to do good, as long as you do good."
Just one question, Pastor Rick: "What are your Scripture references for your statement?"
The Endemic of Evangelical Pragmatism
From Christian Reseach Network:
Mike Corley on “The Endemic of Evangelical Pragmatism"
On The Mike Corley Program Christian Research Net contributor Mike Corley, "examines the growing trend of a ‘whatever-it-takes’ approach to ministry and the dangers involved with this terrible compromise of the Gospel." And Mike also shares his view on the growing controversy surrounding Rick Warren and his claim to be pastor to Rupert Murdoch. Strong stuff.
And also here is a quote from Corley’s The Expositor from Dr. James White on "Unconditional Election" which should make for an interesting discussion.
Editor's note: Also on this program Mike Corley shares his thoughts on the questions posed by the post Will Saddleback Boycott HarperCollins and Zondervan?
Mike Corley on “The Endemic of Evangelical Pragmatism"
On The Mike Corley Program Christian Research Net contributor Mike Corley, "examines the growing trend of a ‘whatever-it-takes’ approach to ministry and the dangers involved with this terrible compromise of the Gospel." And Mike also shares his view on the growing controversy surrounding Rick Warren and his claim to be pastor to Rupert Murdoch. Strong stuff.
And also here is a quote from Corley’s The Expositor from Dr. James White on "Unconditional Election" which should make for an interesting discussion.
Editor's note: Also on this program Mike Corley shares his thoughts on the questions posed by the post Will Saddleback Boycott HarperCollins and Zondervan?
The Commencement Season
Families across the country will celebrate their children's graduations from high school and college. As a father of a graduating senior, I look back and am amazed at where the time has gone, and how fast it goes.
My daughter has attended school under the threat of the Beltway Sniper, suffered through the loss of a close, teen-aged friend to suicide, and watched her high school community grieve the loss of a former graduate in the Virginia Tech tragedy.
She also has watched her SBC church transition to the seeker sensitive model. She watched how men surround and protect their pastors, out of fierce political loyalty, void of Biblical authority. She watched her father plead for doctrinal purity. She watched her family struggle to recover from the public shame of her father being removed as a Sunday School teacher. She watched her family leave the very church she was baptised in 7 years earlier.
When my daughter looks back on these disturbing memories, she will also see the Hand of God in each situation. His grace and mercy. His truth and love. His power and might.
My daughter can testify to the reality and power of Jesus Christ as revealed in His Word, and as demonstrated by His indwelling Holy Spirit. She also knows when someone is pretending the do the same. She knows how smoke and mirrors can be used to create the illusion of God's power and presence.
Why would any pastor spend what precious little time there is on anything but teaching the whole counsel of God to fight the very real giants that threaten our children and our churches?
Joel 2
28 "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
29 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.
30 I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke.
31 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.
My daughter has attended school under the threat of the Beltway Sniper, suffered through the loss of a close, teen-aged friend to suicide, and watched her high school community grieve the loss of a former graduate in the Virginia Tech tragedy.
She also has watched her SBC church transition to the seeker sensitive model. She watched how men surround and protect their pastors, out of fierce political loyalty, void of Biblical authority. She watched her father plead for doctrinal purity. She watched her family struggle to recover from the public shame of her father being removed as a Sunday School teacher. She watched her family leave the very church she was baptised in 7 years earlier.
When my daughter looks back on these disturbing memories, she will also see the Hand of God in each situation. His grace and mercy. His truth and love. His power and might.
My daughter can testify to the reality and power of Jesus Christ as revealed in His Word, and as demonstrated by His indwelling Holy Spirit. She also knows when someone is pretending the do the same. She knows how smoke and mirrors can be used to create the illusion of God's power and presence.
Why would any pastor spend what precious little time there is on anything but teaching the whole counsel of God to fight the very real giants that threaten our children and our churches?
Joel 2
28 "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
29 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.
30 I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke.
31 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Is Your Pastor a Bible Teacher or a Philosopher?
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Satanism, Purpose Driven, Porn & Profit
Will Saddleback Boycott HarperCollins and Zondervan?
Since Rick Warren rationalizes the presence of "common ground" to justify his many business and religious associations, Saddleback Church has granted Warren their own style of absolution regarding Warren's pastorial relationship with Rupert Murdock.
It is clear Saddleback stands firmly behind their pastor, regardless of what he claims publicly.Perhaps Saddleback could exercise their influence over "America's pastor" and pursuade their pastor to find a new publishing house for his bestselling books.
In this expose', Pastor Ken Silva moves beyond the pornography issue and reveals the following:
"Rupert Murdoch is owner, Chairman and CEO of News Corporation, which is the global vertically integrated media company that he founded. At its website we find Murdoch also owns HarperCollins Publishers as well as Zondervan, the publisher of Warren (Online source)."
"Now Rick Warren has another issue to deal with as “brother” Murdoch’s pastor. Because you see, HarperCollins just happens to be the publisher of, not only The Satanic Bible, but also Satanic Rituals by “The Black Pope” Anton La Vey. "
If Saddleback will not hold Rick Warren accountable for his public claims and relationships, will Saddleback initiate a boycott against the publishing houses of Rupert Mordock for the sake of the Gospel?
Will the 30,000 + plus pastors who are officially Purpose Driven join Saddleback Church in this boycott?
Will the Southern Baptist Convention issue a statement to support such a boycott?
Pastor Ken Silva asserts that Warren is guilty of hypocrisy for not publically correcting Murdock.
Will Saddleback Church, The Purpose Driven Church Network and the Southern Baptist Convention be guilty of hypocrisy if none of these groups publically stand against the publishers of the Satanic Bible?
If Rick Warren claims it's a time for deeds, not creeds, wouldn't this deed be worth doing?
It is clear Saddleback stands firmly behind their pastor, regardless of what he claims publicly.Perhaps Saddleback could exercise their influence over "America's pastor" and pursuade their pastor to find a new publishing house for his bestselling books.
In this expose', Pastor Ken Silva moves beyond the pornography issue and reveals the following:
"Rupert Murdoch is owner, Chairman and CEO of News Corporation, which is the global vertically integrated media company that he founded. At its website we find Murdoch also owns HarperCollins Publishers as well as Zondervan, the publisher of Warren (Online source)."
"Now Rick Warren has another issue to deal with as “brother” Murdoch’s pastor. Because you see, HarperCollins just happens to be the publisher of, not only The Satanic Bible, but also Satanic Rituals by “The Black Pope” Anton La Vey. "
If Saddleback will not hold Rick Warren accountable for his public claims and relationships, will Saddleback initiate a boycott against the publishing houses of Rupert Mordock for the sake of the Gospel?
Will the 30,000 + plus pastors who are officially Purpose Driven join Saddleback Church in this boycott?
Will the Southern Baptist Convention issue a statement to support such a boycott?
Pastor Ken Silva asserts that Warren is guilty of hypocrisy for not publically correcting Murdock.
Will Saddleback Church, The Purpose Driven Church Network and the Southern Baptist Convention be guilty of hypocrisy if none of these groups publically stand against the publishers of the Satanic Bible?
If Rick Warren claims it's a time for deeds, not creeds, wouldn't this deed be worth doing?
Monday, May 21, 2007
SBC at the Crossroads
From Mike Corley's The Expositor...
This article by Dr. Thomas Ascol of Founders Ministries was published back in 1995, but it is even more timely and relevant now twelve years later.
Whether you are a Southern Baptist or not, but especially if you are a member of the SBC, one must be concerned and be willing to take an honest look at what is going on in this denomination...
This article by Dr. Thomas Ascol of Founders Ministries was published back in 1995, but it is even more timely and relevant now twelve years later.
Whether you are a Southern Baptist or not, but especially if you are a member of the SBC, one must be concerned and be willing to take an honest look at what is going on in this denomination...
Warren 'Works With' and 'Strengthens' Mormon Churches
From A Little Leaven...
Did you know that Rick Warren and Saddleback church will work with and help ANY church become "Purpose-Driven" regardless of its 'doctrinal convictions'?
Here is what Saddleback Church said last week:
"There are Purpose Driven congregations in more than 200 different denominations and associations. Our desire is to work with denominations to strengthen their churches. Each church can maintain its own heritage and doctrinal convictions while cooperating with others on accomplishing the five purposes" (Online Source)
By their own admission Rick Warren and his Purpose-Driven ministries will 'work with' and 'strengthen' ANY church. But, did you know that this also includes Mormon churches and Jewish Synagogues? Here is what Rick Warren told USAToday about his "Purpose Driven" training programs:
"Warren's pastor-training programs welcome Catholics, Methodists, Mormons, Jews and ordained women." (Online Source)
Wait a minute! Mormons and Jews are NOT Christians. How on Earth can a "Christian Pastor" 'work with' them and help them 'strengthen' their congregations?
Did you know that Rick Warren and Saddleback church will work with and help ANY church become "Purpose-Driven" regardless of its 'doctrinal convictions'?
Here is what Saddleback Church said last week:
"There are Purpose Driven congregations in more than 200 different denominations and associations. Our desire is to work with denominations to strengthen their churches. Each church can maintain its own heritage and doctrinal convictions while cooperating with others on accomplishing the five purposes" (Online Source)
By their own admission Rick Warren and his Purpose-Driven ministries will 'work with' and 'strengthen' ANY church. But, did you know that this also includes Mormon churches and Jewish Synagogues? Here is what Rick Warren told USAToday about his "Purpose Driven" training programs:
"Warren's pastor-training programs welcome Catholics, Methodists, Mormons, Jews and ordained women." (Online Source)
Wait a minute! Mormons and Jews are NOT Christians. How on Earth can a "Christian Pastor" 'work with' them and help them 'strengthen' their congregations?
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Purpose Driven Porn Update
It appears Pastor Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries is striking a nerve at Saddleback...
The other day I published an article here at Apprising Ministries entitled Southern Baptist Pastor Rick Warren Is Promoting Apostate Roman Catholicism and in it I mention that allegedly evangelical “Protestant” and PDL Pope Rick Warren has a link to Catholic in his Purpose Driven Catholics section at Purpose
Saddleback Church Defends Rick Warren Against 'Inappropriate' Charges
From the Christian Post
Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif. has responded to a number of charges against its founding pastor, Purpose Driven Life author Rick Warren, for not disciplining global media executive Rupert Murdoch over his alleged ownership and expansion of pornographic channels in Europe.
Pastor Ken Silva at Apprising Ministries responds to the lastest spin on Purpose Driven Porn...
" is just another example–in a long line of examples–of the Saddleback Spin Doctors as we read, “any spiritual counsel would be private and personal – not public.” This is the red herring diversion. As one of those “conservative Christians” referenced above I am not saying that the “spiritual counsel” should be public, that is a whole other issue. But what I am saying here is that Rick Warren claims he is Rupert Murdoch’s pastor and Rick Warren himself said that this kind of public sin itself must be publicly rebuked."
Rick Warren Says Joe Farah Is Wrong, Again
From WorldNet
"Rick Warren Chief of Staff David Chrzan wrote to me last week to say WorldNetDaily made "some errors in definition, assumption and application" in our news story about the mega-pastor's relationship with Rupert Murdoch."
Purpose-Driven Pornography: The Details Behind the Buzz
By Chris Rosebrough
When does a pastor become an accomplice to an egregious sin that is being committed by someone under his Pastoral care?
Answer: When the sin is public information and the pastor doesn’t follow through on his Biblical duty to discipline the person committing the sin.
Scripture is crystal clear about the church’s responsibility as it pertains to Christian brothers who are openly and unrepentantly committing egregious sins.
See previous updates regarding Purpose Driven Porn.
The other day I published an article here at Apprising Ministries entitled Southern Baptist Pastor Rick Warren Is Promoting Apostate Roman Catholicism and in it I mention that allegedly evangelical “Protestant” and PDL Pope Rick Warren has a link to Catholic in his Purpose Driven Catholics section at Purpose
Saddleback Church Defends Rick Warren Against 'Inappropriate' Charges
From the Christian Post
Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif. has responded to a number of charges against its founding pastor, Purpose Driven Life author Rick Warren, for not disciplining global media executive Rupert Murdoch over his alleged ownership and expansion of pornographic channels in Europe.
Pastor Ken Silva at Apprising Ministries responds to the lastest spin on Purpose Driven Porn...
" is just another example–in a long line of examples–of the Saddleback Spin Doctors as we read, “any spiritual counsel would be private and personal – not public.” This is the red herring diversion. As one of those “conservative Christians” referenced above I am not saying that the “spiritual counsel” should be public, that is a whole other issue. But what I am saying here is that Rick Warren claims he is Rupert Murdoch’s pastor and Rick Warren himself said that this kind of public sin itself must be publicly rebuked."
Rick Warren Says Joe Farah Is Wrong, Again
From WorldNet
"Rick Warren Chief of Staff David Chrzan wrote to me last week to say WorldNetDaily made "some errors in definition, assumption and application" in our news story about the mega-pastor's relationship with Rupert Murdoch."
Purpose-Driven Pornography: The Details Behind the Buzz
By Chris Rosebrough
When does a pastor become an accomplice to an egregious sin that is being committed by someone under his Pastoral care?
Answer: When the sin is public information and the pastor doesn’t follow through on his Biblical duty to discipline the person committing the sin.
Scripture is crystal clear about the church’s responsibility as it pertains to Christian brothers who are openly and unrepentantly committing egregious sins.
See previous updates regarding Purpose Driven Porn.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
SBC Pastor Echoes the Silence of the SBC
Southern Baptist Pastor (former Roman Catholic) Ken Silva sounds off on the edification of Catholicism within the Southern Baptist Convention...
"America’s Mega-Pastor Rick Warren, a Southern Baptist “evangelical,” is providing as a helpful link the church for the Vicar for Evangelization in the Office of Black [Roman] Catholics. Can someone please explain to me how the Southern Baptist denomination, allegedly one of the largest “Protestant” denominations in the world, says absolutely nothing while one its most prominent pastors is actively promoting apostate Roman Catholicism and even helping them to build bigger churches?"
Previously on this blog:
No Response From SBC
On Tuesday, May 8, an open letter was forwarded to the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee regarding Chuck Colson's participation at this year's conference. The letter highlighted Colson's current public, ecumenical embrace of Catholicism.
"America’s Mega-Pastor Rick Warren, a Southern Baptist “evangelical,” is providing as a helpful link the church for the Vicar for Evangelization in the Office of Black [Roman] Catholics. Can someone please explain to me how the Southern Baptist denomination, allegedly one of the largest “Protestant” denominations in the world, says absolutely nothing while one its most prominent pastors is actively promoting apostate Roman Catholicism and even helping them to build bigger churches?"
Previously on this blog:
No Response From SBC
On Tuesday, May 8, an open letter was forwarded to the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee regarding Chuck Colson's participation at this year's conference. The letter highlighted Colson's current public, ecumenical embrace of Catholicism.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Purpose Driven Porn Update
Pastor Ken Silva at Apprising Ministries responds to the lastest spin on Purpose Driven Porn...
" is just another example–in a long line of examples–of the Saddleback Spin Doctors as we read, “any spiritual counsel would be private and personal – not public.” This is the red herring diversion. As one of those “conservative Christians” referenced above I am not saying that the “spiritual counsel” should be public, that is a whole other issue. But what I am saying here is that Rick Warren claims he is Rupert Murdoch’s pastor and Rick Warren himself said that this kind of public sin itself must be publicly rebuked."
Rick Warren Says Joe Farah Is Wrong, Again
See previous updates regarding Purpose Driven Porn.
" is just another example–in a long line of examples–of the Saddleback Spin Doctors as we read, “any spiritual counsel would be private and personal – not public.” This is the red herring diversion. As one of those “conservative Christians” referenced above I am not saying that the “spiritual counsel” should be public, that is a whole other issue. But what I am saying here is that Rick Warren claims he is Rupert Murdoch’s pastor and Rick Warren himself said that this kind of public sin itself must be publicly rebuked."
Rick Warren Says Joe Farah Is Wrong, Again
See previous updates regarding Purpose Driven Porn.
Blessed Believer To Blessed Subtraction
From Christian Research Network:
At Peculiar Pilgrim we read of another account of the "blessed subtraction"…
"It is never a good thing leaving a church. It wasn’t easy for me. I kept finding reasons to stay. I desperately sought out the positive points of our ministry and hid behind them, not willing to look directly at the gargantuan lion roaring in the midst of the sanctuary. The beast is called ‘Purpose Driven’ and it is chained to a massive marble pillar named ‘Church Growth’, whose chief designer and builder is Rick Warren."
At Peculiar Pilgrim we read of another account of the "blessed subtraction"…
"It is never a good thing leaving a church. It wasn’t easy for me. I kept finding reasons to stay. I desperately sought out the positive points of our ministry and hid behind them, not willing to look directly at the gargantuan lion roaring in the midst of the sanctuary. The beast is called ‘Purpose Driven’ and it is chained to a massive marble pillar named ‘Church Growth’, whose chief designer and builder is Rick Warren."
40 Days' Small Group Alert
If you have participated or hosted a Purpose Driven, 40 Day small group or know someone who has, please assemble your small group and listen to the following message:
Church History and A Call to Reformation
This message is 54 minutes in length. Bring paper and pen, you'll want to take notes.
Consider sharing what you heard with others in your church.
Consider calling on the Deacon or Elder Board to assemble to listen to this message.
This message is available at no cost for a limited time only.
Act now. The life of your church may depend on it.
Church History and A Call to Reformation
This message is 54 minutes in length. Bring paper and pen, you'll want to take notes.
Consider sharing what you heard with others in your church.
Consider calling on the Deacon or Elder Board to assemble to listen to this message.
This message is available at no cost for a limited time only.
Act now. The life of your church may depend on it.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Rick Warren Says Joe Farah Is Wrong, Again
From Joseph Farah of WorldNet
"Rick Warren Chief of Staff David Chrzan wrote to me last week to say WorldNetDaily made "some errors in definition, assumption and application" in our news story about the mega-pastor's relationship with Rupert Murdoch."
"In an effort to be fair, WND is publishing the response in full. But, to be honest, I'm still having a hard time understanding what the errors in our report are. Please decide for yourself."
See previous updates regarding Purpose Driven Porn.
"Rick Warren Chief of Staff David Chrzan wrote to me last week to say WorldNetDaily made "some errors in definition, assumption and application" in our news story about the mega-pastor's relationship with Rupert Murdoch."
"In an effort to be fair, WND is publishing the response in full. But, to be honest, I'm still having a hard time understanding what the errors in our report are. Please decide for yourself."
See previous updates regarding Purpose Driven Porn.
Evangelist to Africa Speaks Out Against Rick Warren's "Big Mouth" Comments
Lighthouse Trails Research Project reports:
Loren Davis and his wife have been evangelists to Africa for many years. A year and a half ago we reported that Davis was warning Christians in Africa about Rick Warren's Purpose Driven plans for Africa. After Davis read our article a few days ago, Rick Warren Condemns Christians ... Again, Davis made the following comments...
"If Rick Warren and his friends want to go full time into humanitarian work, that's fine. Let he and his friends work full time for the U.N. with whom they already associate with; but don't, in the name of humanitarianism, turn the churches away from their main purpose of being spiritual institutions and transform them into social institutions."
Loren Davis
Loren Davis and his wife have been evangelists to Africa for many years. A year and a half ago we reported that Davis was warning Christians in Africa about Rick Warren's Purpose Driven plans for Africa. After Davis read our article a few days ago, Rick Warren Condemns Christians ... Again, Davis made the following comments...
"If Rick Warren and his friends want to go full time into humanitarian work, that's fine. Let he and his friends work full time for the U.N. with whom they already associate with; but don't, in the name of humanitarianism, turn the churches away from their main purpose of being spiritual institutions and transform them into social institutions."
Loren Davis
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Rick Warren Casts More Stones
Rick Warren continues planting seeds of opposition with his criticisms of Christians. A trend is developing that could be described as a hybrid psychological dynamic which crosses the dialectic process with Oppositional Defiant Disorder.
This dynamic is put into motion when a very public and influential person paints a select group of people in a negative light, (dialectic) giving the impression this group is the antagonist (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) and the potential cause for failure in achieving a desired outcome for the community.
When this theme is repeated and reinforced, the community at large will begin to sympathize, synthesize and support the very public and influential person's opinion. At this stage, the opinion evolves into motive and objective for the community. The target of the motive: the group that was painted as suffering Oppositional Defiant Disorder because they resisted, or even stood against the leader's private, desired, manipulated outcome for the group.
More examples of Rick Warren and this dynamic are illustrated below:
“We've got some people who only focus on moral purity and couldn’t care less about the poor, the sick, the uneducated. And they haven’t done zip for those people.”
Desired Outcome: Social works, liberation theology
"Christians these days are defined by their "big mouth" -- what they argue against, not what they embrace."
Desired Outcome: Ecumenism
“Any church that fails to fulfill the five not really a church!”
Desired Outcome: Network Identification, Participation
"...churches will need to help people understand that being a fully devoted follower of Jesus means involvement in P.E.A.C.E."
Desired Outcome: Network Identification, Participation
"Warren predicts that fundamentalism, of all varieties, will be one of the big enemies of the 21st century.'"
Desired Outcome: Network Identification, Participation
Does Purpose Driven really mean the same as Spirit Led, or does Purpose Driven have a more earthly motivation?
This dynamic is put into motion when a very public and influential person paints a select group of people in a negative light, (dialectic) giving the impression this group is the antagonist (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) and the potential cause for failure in achieving a desired outcome for the community.
When this theme is repeated and reinforced, the community at large will begin to sympathize, synthesize and support the very public and influential person's opinion. At this stage, the opinion evolves into motive and objective for the community. The target of the motive: the group that was painted as suffering Oppositional Defiant Disorder because they resisted, or even stood against the leader's private, desired, manipulated outcome for the group.
More examples of Rick Warren and this dynamic are illustrated below:
“We've got some people who only focus on moral purity and couldn’t care less about the poor, the sick, the uneducated. And they haven’t done zip for those people.”
Desired Outcome: Social works, liberation theology
"Christians these days are defined by their "big mouth" -- what they argue against, not what they embrace."
Desired Outcome: Ecumenism
“Any church that fails to fulfill the five not really a church!”
Desired Outcome: Network Identification, Participation
"...churches will need to help people understand that being a fully devoted follower of Jesus means involvement in P.E.A.C.E."
Desired Outcome: Network Identification, Participation
"Warren predicts that fundamentalism, of all varieties, will be one of the big enemies of the 21st century.'"
Desired Outcome: Network Identification, Participation
Does Purpose Driven really mean the same as Spirit Led, or does Purpose Driven have a more earthly motivation?
North American Mission Board Networks Purpose Driven, Seeker Sensitive & Emergent
As reported earlier this year, the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board sponsored the 2007 National New Church Conference. The attendees represented the Purpose Driven, the Seeker Sensitive and the Emergent.
Now the NAMB support for the purpose driven the seeker sensitive and the emergent is out in broad daylight at Missional Network. Ed Stetzer in the Video On Demand Introduction, explains the missional effort of the NAMB, in culturally relevant terms.
Stetzer lists "biblically faithful" and "relevant in culture" churches such as "purpose driven churches, churches in emerging cultures, seeker churches" as candidates to be networked together.
Also on the website is a link to the Pursuant Group, the monthly e-zine of The Leadership Network. Stetzer's own website promotes the emergent and the ecumenical, The Ooze and Leonard Sweet (with a disclaimer).
For the folks who wonder if their gifts to the Annie Armstrong offering support The Missional Network, contact the NAMB :
North American Mission Board, SBC
4200 North Point Parkway Alpharetta, Georgia 30022-4176
Phone: (770) 410-6000
Toll Free: 1 800 634-2462 (Continental US and Canada)Fax: (770) 410-6082
Or use the Contact Page of the NAMB website.
Now the NAMB support for the purpose driven the seeker sensitive and the emergent is out in broad daylight at Missional Network. Ed Stetzer in the Video On Demand Introduction, explains the missional effort of the NAMB, in culturally relevant terms.
Stetzer lists "biblically faithful" and "relevant in culture" churches such as "purpose driven churches, churches in emerging cultures, seeker churches" as candidates to be networked together.
Also on the website is a link to the Pursuant Group, the monthly e-zine of The Leadership Network. Stetzer's own website promotes the emergent and the ecumenical, The Ooze and Leonard Sweet (with a disclaimer).
For the folks who wonder if their gifts to the Annie Armstrong offering support The Missional Network, contact the NAMB :
North American Mission Board, SBC
4200 North Point Parkway Alpharetta, Georgia 30022-4176
Phone: (770) 410-6000
Toll Free: 1 800 634-2462 (Continental US and Canada)Fax: (770) 410-6082
Or use the Contact Page of the NAMB website.
Monday, May 14, 2007
From Tradition to Truth a Priest Story
See It & Hear It for Yourself...
The SBC Executive Board remains silent regarding pro-Catholic ecumenist Chuck Colson presenting at this year's conference, but this video speaks volumes...
"From Tradition to Truth a Priest Story" Former Roman Catholic Priest, Richard Bennett
shares his life story of coming to true Biblical salvation outside of the Catholic Church. His story covers many years of deep contemplation over the message of the scriptures and his trial as he compared the Bible with official Catholic teaching. Richard clearly shows the joy of the Lord as he comes to biblical salvation at the age of 48 and then his departure from the priesthood.
The SBC Executive Board remains silent regarding pro-Catholic ecumenist Chuck Colson presenting at this year's conference, but this video speaks volumes...
"From Tradition to Truth a Priest Story" Former Roman Catholic Priest, Richard Bennett
shares his life story of coming to true Biblical salvation outside of the Catholic Church. His story covers many years of deep contemplation over the message of the scriptures and his trial as he compared the Bible with official Catholic teaching. Richard clearly shows the joy of the Lord as he comes to biblical salvation at the age of 48 and then his departure from the priesthood.
Papal Goal: No Converts to Protestantism
While pro-Catholic Chuck Colson preps to present at the SBC convention and Rick Warren endorses Catholicism and promotes it in his 40 Days of Purpose , Pope Benedict XVI prepares his bishops by laying down his strategy to combat defections by millions of Catholics joining evangelical Protestant churches in recent years.
Also interesting to note...
"Benedict said the church was not a political ideology or a social system, an apparent reference to his vehement opposition to the liberation theology movement in Latin America..."
"Liberation theology, which is based on a Marxist analysis of society, holds that criticizing the oppression of the poor and marginalized should be central to Christian theology, and that the Christian faith should be reinterpreted specifically to deliver oppressed people from injustice. "
Liberation theology has an remarkable resemblance to Warren's PEACE Plan and the Social Gospel Warren and others promote.
Also interesting to note...
"Benedict said the church was not a political ideology or a social system, an apparent reference to his vehement opposition to the liberation theology movement in Latin America..."
"Liberation theology, which is based on a Marxist analysis of society, holds that criticizing the oppression of the poor and marginalized should be central to Christian theology, and that the Christian faith should be reinterpreted specifically to deliver oppressed people from injustice. "
Liberation theology has an remarkable resemblance to Warren's PEACE Plan and the Social Gospel Warren and others promote.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Purpose Driven Porn: Now You See It, Now You Don't
Update # 3 Purpose Driven Porn
In November 2006 when Joseph Farah challenged Rick Warren's visit to Syria, it resulted in a "yanked" YOUTUBE video by Saddleback. The video revealed statements that Warren had made during the Syrian visit. Statements that Rick Warren made later regarding the visit appeared contradictory, to say the least, to those statements made on the original video that was yanked, while Warren walked the streets of Damascus.
Joseph Farah chronicled Warren's credibility issue in January 2007...
"There's a pattern here. Warren went to Syria and recorded himself praising the totalitarian police state and its dictator. Then he denied saying what he said. "
"Then, after removing a video recording from YouTube, he denied any recordings were made in Syria. Then he told his congregation he had recorded some 12 hours of his trip through Syria and Africa."
"Warren apologized to me for defending his actions and presumably misrepresenting the truth. Then he told his congregation in writing that the controversy over his trip was just being stirred up by satanically inspired Internet pundits."
"Then he told me he was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Then his assistant denied membership."
Fast Forward to May, 2007
Saddleback's "Now You See It, No You Don't" damage control effort continues...
In Update # 2, we saw an article "disappear" after being posted on London's Christian Today. Now another disappearing act occurs, this time at the Purpose Driven site...
Rick Warren: Saddleback Response to Murdoch/Porn Issue Suddenly Disappears!
Ingrid Schlueter over at Slice of Laodicea provides the link to Saddleback’s "Chief of Staff" David Chrzan’s response to the newstory Murdoch’s porn pastor gets heat for mogul’s porn channels from A Rick Warren Blog. A response that Saddleback "Spin Doctor" Mark Kelly had called, "a forceful reply to Joseph Farah of World Net Daily." Well that is, Ingrid did have the link until…apparently the Saddleback censors have once again gobbled up a piece–but this time from one of their own!
Rick Warren: Saddleback’s Purpose Driven Censors Didn’t Spin Fast Enough
Christian Research Net readers will recall a piece here yesterday called Rick Warren: Saddleback Response to Murdoch/Porn Issue Suddenly Disappears! In it I pointed out that before the long arm of the Saddleback censors reached out to gobble it up Ingrid Schlueter over at Slice of Laodicea had provided the link from A Rick Warren Blog which contained Saddleback "Chief of Staff" David Chrzan’s response to the newstory Murdoch’s porn pastor gets heat for mogul’s porn channels by World Net Daily’s Joseph Farah. A response that Saddleback "Spin Doctor" Mark Kelly had called, "a forceful reply to Joseph Farah of World Net Daily."
Well, it turns out that in this case the Saddleback censors simply didn’t spin fast enough because here is the link to a screen shot of Mark Kelly’s Saddleback "hit piece" No Incentive for Checking facts as it originally appeared in the public domain of the Internet yesterday. One really has to wonder; why was Kelly forced to take it down? Could it actually be that Rick Warren and Saddleback decided to discipline one of their own in Mark Kelly for spreading lies about Joseph Farah of WND and Chris Rosebrough and me here at CRN?
Anatomy of Saddleback Spin - Part One
When evidence appears on the internet of Rick Warren or members of his church saying or doing things that are out of step with the truth or could be damaging to his image these things have a habit of disappearing from the web. A very well documented case of this occurred in November 2006 when Rick Warren travelled to Syria and was reportedly making statements that were favorable to the Syrian government and their policies regarding religious tolerance.
Anatomy of Saddleback Spin - Part Two
In this article I am going to outline the highlights of the lies, smears, misdirection and sophistry employed by Mark Kelly and David Chrzan in the rebuttal piece written by Kelly entitle “No incentive for checking facts”. Although the article was pulled off the internet almost a quickly as it was posted, I’ve managed to reconstruct a copy of it from screen shots that I took of it. Click Here to Read It.
"Yesterday Saddleback “Spin Doctor” Mark Kelly, whose official title is News and Editorial Director for Saddleback Church – Purpose Driven Network, wrote a post called No Incentive for Checking facts. I cover this a little further in Rick Warren: Saddleback’s Purpose Driven Censors Didn’t Spin Fast Enough so here I just point out that it was suddenly pulled without explanation after but hours online. At this point we still don’t know why the “News and Editorial Director” for Rick Warren would be told to remove his newsworthy post, which also contained Saddleback “Chief of Staff” David Chrzan’s allegedly “forceful reply to Joseph Farah of World Net Daily.”
Rick Warren's & Rupert Murdoch's Porn problem...
Posted by: Kevin McCullough at at 12:59 PMOne thing is certain, Joseph Farah and Rick Warren will never be buddies. And by a biblical measure maybe they never should be. Rick Warren is in large part, one of the problems when it comes to why Christianity as it is expressed in the "seeker sensitive" circles today has become nearly useless.
WorldNet Daily: Murdoch pastor gets heat for mogul's porn channels
Christian leaders question Rick Warren for church's cozy ties with Fox owner. Joseph Farah of WorldNet Daily Mega-pastor Rick Warren is being challenged by other Christian leaders for not disciplining a prominent member of his California Saddleback Church flock for being one of the world's leading pornographers.
Mega-Church Pastor Rick Warren Under Fire over Media Mogul Parishioner's Porn Channels
By Gudrun SchultzCalifornia, May 11, 2007 ( - Christian leaders in the US are demanding that the pastor of a massive US evangelical church discipline a prominent parishioner for involvement in the pornography industry.
Watcher's Lamp Update #2 and # 1
In November 2006 when Joseph Farah challenged Rick Warren's visit to Syria, it resulted in a "yanked" YOUTUBE video by Saddleback. The video revealed statements that Warren had made during the Syrian visit. Statements that Rick Warren made later regarding the visit appeared contradictory, to say the least, to those statements made on the original video that was yanked, while Warren walked the streets of Damascus.
Joseph Farah chronicled Warren's credibility issue in January 2007...
"There's a pattern here. Warren went to Syria and recorded himself praising the totalitarian police state and its dictator. Then he denied saying what he said. "
"Then, after removing a video recording from YouTube, he denied any recordings were made in Syria. Then he told his congregation he had recorded some 12 hours of his trip through Syria and Africa."
"Warren apologized to me for defending his actions and presumably misrepresenting the truth. Then he told his congregation in writing that the controversy over his trip was just being stirred up by satanically inspired Internet pundits."
"Then he told me he was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Then his assistant denied membership."
Fast Forward to May, 2007
Saddleback's "Now You See It, No You Don't" damage control effort continues...
In Update # 2, we saw an article "disappear" after being posted on London's Christian Today. Now another disappearing act occurs, this time at the Purpose Driven site...
Rick Warren: Saddleback Response to Murdoch/Porn Issue Suddenly Disappears!
Ingrid Schlueter over at Slice of Laodicea provides the link to Saddleback’s "Chief of Staff" David Chrzan’s response to the newstory Murdoch’s porn pastor gets heat for mogul’s porn channels from A Rick Warren Blog. A response that Saddleback "Spin Doctor" Mark Kelly had called, "a forceful reply to Joseph Farah of World Net Daily." Well that is, Ingrid did have the link until…apparently the Saddleback censors have once again gobbled up a piece–but this time from one of their own!
Rick Warren: Saddleback’s Purpose Driven Censors Didn’t Spin Fast Enough
Christian Research Net readers will recall a piece here yesterday called Rick Warren: Saddleback Response to Murdoch/Porn Issue Suddenly Disappears! In it I pointed out that before the long arm of the Saddleback censors reached out to gobble it up Ingrid Schlueter over at Slice of Laodicea had provided the link from A Rick Warren Blog which contained Saddleback "Chief of Staff" David Chrzan’s response to the newstory Murdoch’s porn pastor gets heat for mogul’s porn channels by World Net Daily’s Joseph Farah. A response that Saddleback "Spin Doctor" Mark Kelly had called, "a forceful reply to Joseph Farah of World Net Daily."
Well, it turns out that in this case the Saddleback censors simply didn’t spin fast enough because here is the link to a screen shot of Mark Kelly’s Saddleback "hit piece" No Incentive for Checking facts as it originally appeared in the public domain of the Internet yesterday. One really has to wonder; why was Kelly forced to take it down? Could it actually be that Rick Warren and Saddleback decided to discipline one of their own in Mark Kelly for spreading lies about Joseph Farah of WND and Chris Rosebrough and me here at CRN?
Anatomy of Saddleback Spin - Part One
When evidence appears on the internet of Rick Warren or members of his church saying or doing things that are out of step with the truth or could be damaging to his image these things have a habit of disappearing from the web. A very well documented case of this occurred in November 2006 when Rick Warren travelled to Syria and was reportedly making statements that were favorable to the Syrian government and their policies regarding religious tolerance.
Anatomy of Saddleback Spin - Part Two
In this article I am going to outline the highlights of the lies, smears, misdirection and sophistry employed by Mark Kelly and David Chrzan in the rebuttal piece written by Kelly entitle “No incentive for checking facts”. Although the article was pulled off the internet almost a quickly as it was posted, I’ve managed to reconstruct a copy of it from screen shots that I took of it. Click Here to Read It.
"Yesterday Saddleback “Spin Doctor” Mark Kelly, whose official title is News and Editorial Director for Saddleback Church – Purpose Driven Network, wrote a post called No Incentive for Checking facts. I cover this a little further in Rick Warren: Saddleback’s Purpose Driven Censors Didn’t Spin Fast Enough so here I just point out that it was suddenly pulled without explanation after but hours online. At this point we still don’t know why the “News and Editorial Director” for Rick Warren would be told to remove his newsworthy post, which also contained Saddleback “Chief of Staff” David Chrzan’s allegedly “forceful reply to Joseph Farah of World Net Daily.”
Rick Warren's & Rupert Murdoch's Porn problem...
Posted by: Kevin McCullough at at 12:59 PMOne thing is certain, Joseph Farah and Rick Warren will never be buddies. And by a biblical measure maybe they never should be. Rick Warren is in large part, one of the problems when it comes to why Christianity as it is expressed in the "seeker sensitive" circles today has become nearly useless.
WorldNet Daily: Murdoch pastor gets heat for mogul's porn channels
Christian leaders question Rick Warren for church's cozy ties with Fox owner. Joseph Farah of WorldNet Daily Mega-pastor Rick Warren is being challenged by other Christian leaders for not disciplining a prominent member of his California Saddleback Church flock for being one of the world's leading pornographers.
Mega-Church Pastor Rick Warren Under Fire over Media Mogul Parishioner's Porn Channels
By Gudrun SchultzCalifornia, May 11, 2007 ( - Christian leaders in the US are demanding that the pastor of a massive US evangelical church discipline a prominent parishioner for involvement in the pornography industry.
Watcher's Lamp Update #2 and # 1
Friday, May 11, 2007
No Response From SBC
On Tuesday, May 8, an open letter was forwarded to the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee regarding Chuck Colson's participation at this year's conference. The letter highlighted Colson's current public, ecumenical embrace of Catholicism.
On Wednesday, May 9 this blog commented on the resignation of Francis Beckwith as president of The Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) . Francis Beckwith rejoined the Roman Catholic Church and resigned on May 5. Beckwith also surrendered his ETS membership. The ETS does not allow Catholics to join because of the significant doctrinal diefferences Catholicism presents versus Biblical Christianity.
Also on May 9, Steve Camp commented on Beckwith's resignation with this piece regarding Beckwith's return to Catholicism.
Will the SBC Executive Committee respond to explain the reasoning for giving Colson stage at the Convention?
On Wednesday, May 9 this blog commented on the resignation of Francis Beckwith as president of The Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) . Francis Beckwith rejoined the Roman Catholic Church and resigned on May 5. Beckwith also surrendered his ETS membership. The ETS does not allow Catholics to join because of the significant doctrinal diefferences Catholicism presents versus Biblical Christianity.
Also on May 9, Steve Camp commented on Beckwith's resignation with this piece regarding Beckwith's return to Catholicism.
Will the SBC Executive Committee respond to explain the reasoning for giving Colson stage at the Convention?
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Rick Warren's & Rupert Murdoch's Porn problem...
Posted by: Kevin McCullough at at 12:59 PM
One thing is certain, Joseph Farah and Rick Warren will never be buddies. And by a biblical measure maybe they never should be. Rick Warren is in large part, one of the problems when it comes to why Christianity as it is expressed in the "seeker sensitive" circles today has become nearly useless. Warren even went so far as to allow Barack Obama to come preach the gospel of condoms on his own stage, in his church's auditorium, from behind the podium that Rick uses. (All the while Rick claimed he would never allow Obama "in the pulpit.")
Well if WND's claim that Rupert Murdoch is a born-again Christian, better yet that Rick Warren is in fact his spiritual shepherd, than Murdoch and Warren both need to be taken to the woodshed over a believer's responsibility towards the stewardship of morality in the world around them.
One thing is certain, Joseph Farah and Rick Warren will never be buddies. And by a biblical measure maybe they never should be. Rick Warren is in large part, one of the problems when it comes to why Christianity as it is expressed in the "seeker sensitive" circles today has become nearly useless. Warren even went so far as to allow Barack Obama to come preach the gospel of condoms on his own stage, in his church's auditorium, from behind the podium that Rick uses. (All the while Rick claimed he would never allow Obama "in the pulpit.")
Well if WND's claim that Rupert Murdoch is a born-again Christian, better yet that Rick Warren is in fact his spiritual shepherd, than Murdoch and Warren both need to be taken to the woodshed over a believer's responsibility towards the stewardship of morality in the world around them.
WorldNet Daily: Murdoch pastor gets heat for mogul's porn channels
Christian leaders question Rick Warren for church's cozy ties with Fox owner.
Joseph Farah of WorldNet Daily
Mega-pastor Rick Warren is being challenged by other Christian leaders for not disciplining a prominent member of his California Saddleback Church flock for being one of the world's leading pornographers.
That would be Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corp., which, in addition to building a media empire on the chests of topless models and edgy, pushing-the-envelope Fox TV network shows, recently began building a stable of hard-core porn channels for its BSkyB subsidiary.
"Rupert Murdoch is a born-again Christian and Rick Warren claims to be his pastor," says Chris Rosebrough, head of the Christian Accountability Network. "As a Christian, Murdoch is committing an egregious sin by owning, expanding and profiting from pornographic channels, and Rick Warren, his pastor, has a biblical duty to call Murdoch to repentance and/or put him out of the church."
Read more here...
Joseph Farah of WorldNet Daily
Mega-pastor Rick Warren is being challenged by other Christian leaders for not disciplining a prominent member of his California Saddleback Church flock for being one of the world's leading pornographers.
That would be Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corp., which, in addition to building a media empire on the chests of topless models and edgy, pushing-the-envelope Fox TV network shows, recently began building a stable of hard-core porn channels for its BSkyB subsidiary.
"Rupert Murdoch is a born-again Christian and Rick Warren claims to be his pastor," says Chris Rosebrough, head of the Christian Accountability Network. "As a Christian, Murdoch is committing an egregious sin by owning, expanding and profiting from pornographic channels, and Rick Warren, his pastor, has a biblical duty to call Murdoch to repentance and/or put him out of the church."
Read more here...
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Mel Gibson's Real Passion
SPECIAL REPORT - Mel Gibson Reveals True Purpose of the Passion - Leading People to Catholicism! from Lighthouse Research Trails
The Passion of the Christ: Definitive Edition is now available. This two DVD set includes a tract that presents theological commentary by Mel Gibson, Father* William J. Fulco, Father* John Batunck, and Catholic apologist Gerry Matatics. The discussion is an analysis of the film explaining the Roman Catholic view that "Mary" shares a role in redemption and that "Jesus" is present in the Eucharist, along with numerous other comments supporting Roman Catholic extrabiblical dogma.
(Note:* the Bible teaches that we should call no man "Father" - Matthew 23:9).In 2004, before the film was released, Understand The Times posted a commentary by Roger Oakland and Jim Tetlow titled "Passion Evangelism." The purpose of this commentary was to send out a warning that Gibson's film promoted a Roman Catholic agenda to point viewers to the Roman Catholic "Mary" and the Roman Catholic "Jesus". This commentary was also published as an appendix to the book Another Jesus: The Eucharistic Christ and the New Evangelization authored by Oakland and Tetlow.
The Passion of the Christ: Definitive Edition is now available. This two DVD set includes a tract that presents theological commentary by Mel Gibson, Father* William J. Fulco, Father* John Batunck, and Catholic apologist Gerry Matatics. The discussion is an analysis of the film explaining the Roman Catholic view that "Mary" shares a role in redemption and that "Jesus" is present in the Eucharist, along with numerous other comments supporting Roman Catholic extrabiblical dogma.
(Note:* the Bible teaches that we should call no man "Father" - Matthew 23:9).In 2004, before the film was released, Understand The Times posted a commentary by Roger Oakland and Jim Tetlow titled "Passion Evangelism." The purpose of this commentary was to send out a warning that Gibson's film promoted a Roman Catholic agenda to point viewers to the Roman Catholic "Mary" and the Roman Catholic "Jesus". This commentary was also published as an appendix to the book Another Jesus: The Eucharistic Christ and the New Evangelization authored by Oakland and Tetlow.
Beckwith Returns To Catholicism
Ecumenical magazine, Christianity Today reports "The Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) indicated that its members will discuss the role of tradition in Protestant theology after president Francis Beckwith rejoined the Roman Catholic Church and resigned on May 5. Beckwith, a philosophy professor at Baylor University, also surrendered his ETS membership."
The article quotes the Catholicism sympathies of Emergent Scot Mcknight, and associate professor of church theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Gregg Allison.
Interesting to note the article's subheading, "Executive committee: Roman Catholics may not join."
Read the polite statement from the The Evangelical Theological Society. The Society respects Catholicism, however draws the doctrinal lines...
"The work of the Evangelical Theological Society as a scholarly forum proceeds on the basis that “the Bible alone and the Bible in its entirety, is the Word of God written and is therefore inerrant in the autographs.” This affirmation, together with the statement on the Trinity, forms the basis for membership in the ETS to which all members annually subscribe in writing. Confessional Catholicism, as defined by the Roman Catholic Church’s declarations from the Council of Trent to Vatican II, sets forth a more expansive view of verbal, infallible revelation." (Ed. note-the Papacy)
"Certainly, the two traditions share many common Christian doctrines. However there are important theological differences as well. We expect that the events of these days will bring a renewed discussion of these matters. We welcome and encourage this as well."
This website monitors the trend of the Return to Rome, and recently sent this open letter to the SBC regarding Catholicism.
Will the SBC Executive Committee take note of the doctrinal commitment of the Evangelical Theological Society?"
The article quotes the Catholicism sympathies of Emergent Scot Mcknight, and associate professor of church theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Gregg Allison.
Interesting to note the article's subheading, "Executive committee: Roman Catholics may not join."
Read the polite statement from the The Evangelical Theological Society. The Society respects Catholicism, however draws the doctrinal lines...
"The work of the Evangelical Theological Society as a scholarly forum proceeds on the basis that “the Bible alone and the Bible in its entirety, is the Word of God written and is therefore inerrant in the autographs.” This affirmation, together with the statement on the Trinity, forms the basis for membership in the ETS to which all members annually subscribe in writing. Confessional Catholicism, as defined by the Roman Catholic Church’s declarations from the Council of Trent to Vatican II, sets forth a more expansive view of verbal, infallible revelation." (Ed. note-the Papacy)
"Certainly, the two traditions share many common Christian doctrines. However there are important theological differences as well. We expect that the events of these days will bring a renewed discussion of these matters. We welcome and encourage this as well."
This website monitors the trend of the Return to Rome, and recently sent this open letter to the SBC regarding Catholicism.
Will the SBC Executive Committee take note of the doctrinal commitment of the Evangelical Theological Society?"
Purpose Driven Scandal UPDATE #2
Update # 2 May 9, 2007 Rick Warren, Purpose-Driven Pornography?
London Calling Rick Warren: London's Christian Today reports:
Rick Warren Called to Discipline Murdoch for Pornography Channels
UK Christian Media Picks Up Purpose Driven Porn Story
UK Magazine Pulls Rick Warren/Murdoch Story
Now you see itn ow you don't. This article mysteriously disappeared hours after it's orginal posting, but you can view the original here.
Rick Warren: Did Saddleback Censors Protect Purpose Driven Porn?
Here now is the latest on the issue of Christian Today taking down off their website a story, “Posted Tuesday, May 8, 2007, 8:27 (BST)” by Anne Thomas called “Rick Warren Called to Discipline Murdoch on Pornography Channels.”
Rick Warren’s Record As An Outspoken Porn Critic Doesn’t Square With His Silence on Murdoch Rick Warren has a stellar public record of speaking out against pornography and its effects! Even a cursory look at some of Warren’s websites bear this fact out. This article posted at describes pornography as a ‘Ravenous cancer’ and ‘Satan’s corruption of God’s design.
BORN AGAIN PORNOGRAPHERS? "...the problem is certainly not limited to Christian bookstores. In fact, The Christian Newswire is reporting some rather serious inconsistencies among well-known Christians in the publishing industry..."
The Odd Couple -- Or Not? Rick Warren and Rupert Murdoch
Tim Brown at The Reformed Gadfly had this to say in December 2006...
Why Rick Warren Must Publicly Discipline Rupert Murdoch, Updated
Update # 1, May 8, 2007
Purpose-Driven Pornography.
Calling Rick Warren : An open letter from Chris Rosebrough to Rick Warren regarding the pornographic holdings of Rupert Murdock
Pastor Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries explains the Biblical implications of Rick Warren as Rupert Murdock's pastor.
Purpose-Driven Pornography? When does a pastor become an accomplice to an egregious sin that is being committed by someone under his Pastoral care?
Purpose-Driven Pimpin’: A Little Leaven has a new exhibit that graphically demonstrates how ‘brother’ Rupert Murdoch trolls for women to pose nude in his Page 3 publication.Warning, this is exhibit is offensive. If it disturbs you as much as it disturbs us, then we are encouraging you to email Rick Warren, the man who claims to be Rupert Murdoch’s pastor and kindly ask him to discipline Murdoch.
Rick Warren By His Own Admission Knew About Rupert Murdoch’s Exploitation of Women
The Body of Christ has a right to know; just what is America’s Purpose Driven megapastor Rick Warren going to do about Rupert Murdoch’s Purpose Driven Pornography
Purpose Driven Conspiracy ?
Has Christian Research Network discovered a damage control effort from Saddleback Spin Doctors?
London Calling Rick Warren: London's Christian Today reports:
Rick Warren Called to Discipline Murdoch for Pornography Channels
UK Christian Media Picks Up Purpose Driven Porn Story
UK Magazine Pulls Rick Warren/Murdoch Story
Now you see itn ow you don't. This article mysteriously disappeared hours after it's orginal posting, but you can view the original here.
Rick Warren: Did Saddleback Censors Protect Purpose Driven Porn?
Here now is the latest on the issue of Christian Today taking down off their website a story, “Posted Tuesday, May 8, 2007, 8:27 (BST)” by Anne Thomas called “Rick Warren Called to Discipline Murdoch on Pornography Channels.”
Rick Warren’s Record As An Outspoken Porn Critic Doesn’t Square With His Silence on Murdoch Rick Warren has a stellar public record of speaking out against pornography and its effects! Even a cursory look at some of Warren’s websites bear this fact out. This article posted at describes pornography as a ‘Ravenous cancer’ and ‘Satan’s corruption of God’s design.
BORN AGAIN PORNOGRAPHERS? "...the problem is certainly not limited to Christian bookstores. In fact, The Christian Newswire is reporting some rather serious inconsistencies among well-known Christians in the publishing industry..."
The Odd Couple -- Or Not? Rick Warren and Rupert Murdoch
Tim Brown at The Reformed Gadfly had this to say in December 2006...
Why Rick Warren Must Publicly Discipline Rupert Murdoch, Updated
Update # 1, May 8, 2007
Purpose-Driven Pornography.
Calling Rick Warren : An open letter from Chris Rosebrough to Rick Warren regarding the pornographic holdings of Rupert Murdock
Pastor Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries explains the Biblical implications of Rick Warren as Rupert Murdock's pastor.
Purpose-Driven Pornography? When does a pastor become an accomplice to an egregious sin that is being committed by someone under his Pastoral care?
Purpose-Driven Pimpin’: A Little Leaven has a new exhibit that graphically demonstrates how ‘brother’ Rupert Murdoch trolls for women to pose nude in his Page 3 publication.Warning, this is exhibit is offensive. If it disturbs you as much as it disturbs us, then we are encouraging you to email Rick Warren, the man who claims to be Rupert Murdoch’s pastor and kindly ask him to discipline Murdoch.
Rick Warren By His Own Admission Knew About Rupert Murdoch’s Exploitation of Women
The Body of Christ has a right to know; just what is America’s Purpose Driven megapastor Rick Warren going to do about Rupert Murdoch’s Purpose Driven Pornography
Purpose Driven Conspiracy ?
Has Christian Research Network discovered a damage control effort from Saddleback Spin Doctors?
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Purpose Driven Conspiracy ?
Has Christian Research Network discovered a damage control effort from Saddleback Spin Doctors?
"Well, it would seem that possibly the Saddleback censors have reached London as the link for the Christian Research Net post below — Rick Warren Called to Discipline Rupert Murdoch for Pornography Channels is now missing. For those of us who have followed the course of the founder of the new evangelical Purpose Driven religion Rick Warren these kinds of occurances are commonplace. Stories and video links unfavorable to Warren and/or Saddleback simply vanish. Right now we’re looking into what happened now as I have attempted to contact Anne Thomas who wrote the original piece for Christian Today. Stay tuned to CRN because this is not going to go away."
"This may possibly be related to the "Comments" Section (two-thirds down the page to the left) where Christian Today is carrying Protecting Your Mind from Evil by Rick Warren. I do hope that as Murdoch’s "pastor" Warren will be sharing this with him and how he is causing other "brothers" to stumble with his pornography, not to mention exploiting women. And not only that in the upper right in the scrolling ads is one for Purpose Driven UK website where we also read:
ALPHA AND PURPOSE DRIVEN WORKING TOGETHER Alpha and Purpose Driven both have many years experience in helping churches to reach out and encourage Christian commitment. Recognising the overlap, Alpha and Purpose Driven have now combined their resources in providing training courses, videos, inspiring books, sermons and the experience of thousands of others who have already taken the first steps on this, the greatest journey of life. materials are available for individuals, leaders, small groups and the whole church. Take a look at the range of products on our resources section."
Editor's note: Watcher's Lamp reported back in February of Warren's support of the Anglican-created, Roman Catholic-promoted Alpha course and Purpose's PDL for Catholics.
"Well, it would seem that possibly the Saddleback censors have reached London as the link for the Christian Research Net post below — Rick Warren Called to Discipline Rupert Murdoch for Pornography Channels is now missing. For those of us who have followed the course of the founder of the new evangelical Purpose Driven religion Rick Warren these kinds of occurances are commonplace. Stories and video links unfavorable to Warren and/or Saddleback simply vanish. Right now we’re looking into what happened now as I have attempted to contact Anne Thomas who wrote the original piece for Christian Today. Stay tuned to CRN because this is not going to go away."
"This may possibly be related to the "Comments" Section (two-thirds down the page to the left) where Christian Today is carrying Protecting Your Mind from Evil by Rick Warren. I do hope that as Murdoch’s "pastor" Warren will be sharing this with him and how he is causing other "brothers" to stumble with his pornography, not to mention exploiting women. And not only that in the upper right in the scrolling ads is one for Purpose Driven UK website where we also read:
ALPHA AND PURPOSE DRIVEN WORKING TOGETHER Alpha and Purpose Driven both have many years experience in helping churches to reach out and encourage Christian commitment. Recognising the overlap, Alpha and Purpose Driven have now combined their resources in providing training courses, videos, inspiring books, sermons and the experience of thousands of others who have already taken the first steps on this, the greatest journey of life. materials are available for individuals, leaders, small groups and the whole church. Take a look at the range of products on our resources section."
Editor's note: Watcher's Lamp reported back in February of Warren's support of the Anglican-created, Roman Catholic-promoted Alpha course and Purpose's PDL for Catholics.
Will Pastor Publically Discipline Murdock For Pornography?
From Pastor Ken Silva, at Apprising Ministries:
My friend Chris Rosebrough of the Christian Accountability Network and fellow contributor at Christian Research Net has brought a very important issue before the Body of Christ, and rightly so. As a Southern Baptist pastor myself I am also bringing this before the American Christian Church here at Apprising Ministries...
...This clearly shows that Rick Warren knows all about Rupert Murdoch’s The Sun newspaper which uses women as objects of lust and yet said nothing except he doesn’t “agree” with that practice. We should hope not; but as a minister of the Gospel Warren has much more of an obligation to Murdoch as his pastor than to simply disagree while he accepts money from his “brother.” Monies which came through sinful exploitation of women.
Read Pastor Ken Silva's complete article here.
My friend Chris Rosebrough of the Christian Accountability Network and fellow contributor at Christian Research Net has brought a very important issue before the Body of Christ, and rightly so. As a Southern Baptist pastor myself I am also bringing this before the American Christian Church here at Apprising Ministries...
...This clearly shows that Rick Warren knows all about Rupert Murdoch’s The Sun newspaper which uses women as objects of lust and yet said nothing except he doesn’t “agree” with that practice. We should hope not; but as a minister of the Gospel Warren has much more of an obligation to Murdoch as his pastor than to simply disagree while he accepts money from his “brother.” Monies which came through sinful exploitation of women.
Read Pastor Ken Silva's complete article here.
London Calling Rick Warren
London's Christian Today reports:
Rick Warren Called to Discipline Murdoch for Pornography Channels
The head of the Christian Accountability Network in the US, Chris Rosebrough, is calling on Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life, to discipline media executive Rupert Murdoch for owning and expanding a network of pornographic channels in Europe.
Rosebrough said, "Rupert Murdoch is a born-again Christian and Rick Warren claims to be his pastor. As a Christian, Murdoch is committing an egregious sin by owning, expanding and profiting from pornographic channels and Rick Warren, as his pastor, has a biblical duty to call Murdoch to repentance and/or put him out of the church."
Rick Warren Called to Discipline Murdoch for Pornography Channels
The head of the Christian Accountability Network in the US, Chris Rosebrough, is calling on Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life, to discipline media executive Rupert Murdoch for owning and expanding a network of pornographic channels in Europe.
Rosebrough said, "Rupert Murdoch is a born-again Christian and Rick Warren claims to be his pastor. As a Christian, Murdoch is committing an egregious sin by owning, expanding and profiting from pornographic channels and Rick Warren, as his pastor, has a biblical duty to call Murdoch to repentance and/or put him out of the church."
The Growing Purpose Driven Scandal
It seems that the evidence is mounting concerning Purpose-Driven Pornography. The following is a digest of articles at this juncture:
Calling Rick Warren : An open letter from Chris Rosebrough to Rick Warren regarding the pornographic holdings of Rupert Murdock
Pastor Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries explains the Biblical implications of Rick Warren as Rupert Murdock's pastor.
Purpose-Driven Pimpin’: A Little Leaven has a new exhibit that graphically demonstrates how ‘brother’ Rupert Murdoch trolls for women to pose nude in his Page 3 publication.
Warning, this is exhibit is offensive. If it disturbs you as much as it disturbs us, then we are encouraging you to email Rick Warren, the man who claims to be Rupert Murdoch’s pastor and kindly ask him to discipline Murdoch.
Rick Warren By His Own Admission Knew About Rupert Murdoch’s Exploitation of Women
The Body of Christ has a right to know; just what is America’s Purpose Driven megapastor Rick Warren going to do about Rupert Murdoch’s Purpose Driven Pornography
Calling Rick Warren : An open letter from Chris Rosebrough to Rick Warren regarding the pornographic holdings of Rupert Murdock
Pastor Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries explains the Biblical implications of Rick Warren as Rupert Murdock's pastor.
Purpose-Driven Pornography? When does a pastor become an accomplice to an egregious sin that is being committed by someone under his Pastoral care?
Purpose-Driven Pimpin’: A Little Leaven has a new exhibit that graphically demonstrates how ‘brother’ Rupert Murdoch trolls for women to pose nude in his Page 3 publication.
Warning, this is exhibit is offensive. If it disturbs you as much as it disturbs us, then we are encouraging you to email Rick Warren, the man who claims to be Rupert Murdoch’s pastor and kindly ask him to discipline Murdoch.
Rick Warren By His Own Admission Knew About Rupert Murdoch’s Exploitation of Women
The Body of Christ has a right to know; just what is America’s Purpose Driven megapastor Rick Warren going to do about Rupert Murdoch’s Purpose Driven Pornography
Calling The SBC
An Open Letter to the Executive Committee of The Southern Baptist Convention:
As a former Roman Catholic saved by grace and 8 year member of the Southern Baptists, I can not understand why Chuck Colson is presenting at this year's conference. Chuck Colson has a long history of ecumenical efforts and is co-chairman of the Evangelicals-Catholics Together.
In his most recent comments in his "On Faith" post, Colson describes this effort:
"The fact of the matter is that I spent a lot of my life listening to other points of view and I am co-chairman of Evangelicals and Catholics Together in an effort to find meaningful agreement between two Christian traditions separated over five hundred years." (please note: The Reformation caused the separation) I respect Mr. Colson's political expertise, but where is the SBC's Biblical expertise on this matter.
My Catholic family members and friends to whom I have witnessed now can point to Chuck Colson, a Southern Baptist, and validate their "religion" with the affirmation of this year's Convention.
Does the Southern Baptist Convention after 500 years now believe that there are minor doctrinal differences between Protestantism and Catholicism?
As a former Roman Catholic saved by grace and 8 year member of the Southern Baptists, I can not understand why Chuck Colson is presenting at this year's conference. Chuck Colson has a long history of ecumenical efforts and is co-chairman of the Evangelicals-Catholics Together.
In his most recent comments in his "On Faith" post, Colson describes this effort:
"The fact of the matter is that I spent a lot of my life listening to other points of view and I am co-chairman of Evangelicals and Catholics Together in an effort to find meaningful agreement between two Christian traditions separated over five hundred years." (please note: The Reformation caused the separation) I respect Mr. Colson's political expertise, but where is the SBC's Biblical expertise on this matter.
My Catholic family members and friends to whom I have witnessed now can point to Chuck Colson, a Southern Baptist, and validate their "religion" with the affirmation of this year's Convention.
Does the Southern Baptist Convention after 500 years now believe that there are minor doctrinal differences between Protestantism and Catholicism?
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Pastor Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries explains the Biblical implications of Rick Warren as Rupert Murdock's pastor...
This is very important because we have now seen from Warren himself that he feels he is indeed Rupert Murdoch’s pastor. This does two things; since one does not pastor an unbeliever, Warren must believe that Murdoch is a Christian, which then means as his pastor Warren is also personally accountable for Murdoch. And there’s no chance to mistake this, or that Warren was somehow misquoted, because apparently he was so pleased with The New Yorker article that Warren asked to have it republished at his own Ministry Toolbox website.
So now that we have established Warren’s pastoral responsibility for Murdoch the next question would be: What does Pastor Rick Warren have to say about dealing with people in sin within his ministry. Well over at Rick Warren’s Ministry Podcast “Pastor Rick” posted a piece dated 5/01/07 called “What Happens When a Staff Member Falls” where Warren informs us:
Sin is to be confessed only as widely as it affects others. Private sin requires only private confession to God. Personal sin that involves others requires interpersonal confession to the people involved. Public sins (those that affect a large group of people in our congregation) regrettably must be dealt with publicly as a warning to others. (Online source)
One would certainly have to think that “owning and expanding a network of pornographic channels in Europe” has to qualify as “public sins.” And then in that piece at the Podcast website Warren also states correctly that:
The Bible says that those who teach are held to a greater public accountability because of their visibility to those they teach. (James 3:1, 1 Tim. 5:20). (Online source)
Since Rupert Murdoch’s flagrant and obvious “public sins” have now been brought before the Church, and because Warren is a pastor-teacher who is very well known to the public himself, then Warren simply must deal with Murdoch publicly “as a warning to others.” Rick Warren can’t have his cake and eat it too; Warren can’t just name-drop that he is Murdoch’s pastor in the good times and then not step up to that role in disciplining Murdoch, when claiming to be a born again Christian, he is openly committing transgressions that are bringing shame to the Name of Jesus Christ.
As Warren himself has said, people like Murdoch have to be held to a greater “public accountability” because of “their visibility.” And this is exactly why Rick Warren must now publicly rebuke Rupert Murdoch for his Purpose Driven pornography.
Read the rest of Pastor Ken Silva's assessment here.
This is very important because we have now seen from Warren himself that he feels he is indeed Rupert Murdoch’s pastor. This does two things; since one does not pastor an unbeliever, Warren must believe that Murdoch is a Christian, which then means as his pastor Warren is also personally accountable for Murdoch. And there’s no chance to mistake this, or that Warren was somehow misquoted, because apparently he was so pleased with The New Yorker article that Warren asked to have it republished at his own Ministry Toolbox website.
So now that we have established Warren’s pastoral responsibility for Murdoch the next question would be: What does Pastor Rick Warren have to say about dealing with people in sin within his ministry. Well over at Rick Warren’s Ministry Podcast “Pastor Rick” posted a piece dated 5/01/07 called “What Happens When a Staff Member Falls” where Warren informs us:
Sin is to be confessed only as widely as it affects others. Private sin requires only private confession to God. Personal sin that involves others requires interpersonal confession to the people involved. Public sins (those that affect a large group of people in our congregation) regrettably must be dealt with publicly as a warning to others. (Online source)
One would certainly have to think that “owning and expanding a network of pornographic channels in Europe” has to qualify as “public sins.” And then in that piece at the Podcast website Warren also states correctly that:
The Bible says that those who teach are held to a greater public accountability because of their visibility to those they teach. (James 3:1, 1 Tim. 5:20). (Online source)
Since Rupert Murdoch’s flagrant and obvious “public sins” have now been brought before the Church, and because Warren is a pastor-teacher who is very well known to the public himself, then Warren simply must deal with Murdoch publicly “as a warning to others.” Rick Warren can’t have his cake and eat it too; Warren can’t just name-drop that he is Murdoch’s pastor in the good times and then not step up to that role in disciplining Murdoch, when claiming to be a born again Christian, he is openly committing transgressions that are bringing shame to the Name of Jesus Christ.
As Warren himself has said, people like Murdoch have to be held to a greater “public accountability” because of “their visibility.” And this is exactly why Rick Warren must now publicly rebuke Rupert Murdoch for his Purpose Driven pornography.
Read the rest of Pastor Ken Silva's assessment here.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Calling Rick Warren
Last November, Joseph Farah of WorldNet Daily engaged an evasive Rick Warren regarding Warren's trip to Syria. Farah detailed what amounted to be damage control efforts on behalf of the Purpose Driven camp.
Now A Little Leaven shares an open letter to Pastor Rick Warren regarding Rupert Murdock...
An Open Letter to Pastor Rick Warren, of Saddleback Church:
Dear Pastor Warren,
It has been a year-and-a-half since the world first learned that you are media mogul, Rupert Murdoch’s pastor. We’d like an update to learn how Mr. Murdoch is progressing in his spiritual growth.
Although, many Christians were pleased to learn that you’ve been able to help guide Mr. Murdoch along in his spiritual journey, we’d like to know if you’ve had the opportunity to share God’s law with Mr. Murdoch and show him from God’s Word that it is sinful and unthinkable for a Christian to earn money from or own a company that makes a profit from pornography and the sexual exploitation of women. Have you told Mr. Murdoch that he needs to repent of this terrible sin?
We're sure that you are aware that NewsCorp, which is owned by Murdoch, sells more pornographic films than Larry Flint. Sadly, this business report reveals that Murdoch's porn empire is growing rather than shrinking.
We know that you would agree that pornography is a sin. We also know that you've publicly encouraged those addicted to pornography to get help breaking their addictions through programs like Celebrate Recovery.
Pastor Warren, since you openly reach out to consumers of pornography, we’d like to know how you’re using your influence to help limit and reduce the supply of pornography?
There is no way that God's purpose for Rupert is to be a porn peddler. There is also no way that Mr. Murdoch's S.H.A.P.E. test said that has the spiritual gift of 'pornographer'.
Have you encouraged Rupert to enter a Celebrate Recovery program to help him break his addiction to pornography profits?
How is it going?
When will we be hearing the details of Rupert Murdoch’s plan to dismantle his porn distribution empire?
Pastor Warren, you’ve said that you’re addicted to changed lives. Is Ruport Murdoch’s life changing? Is Mr. Murdoch more ‘Christ-like’ than he was a year and a half ago?
When can we expect to see the fruit of this change?
Editor's note: Will Pastor Warren respond to this letter the way he responded to Joseph Farah?
Now A Little Leaven shares an open letter to Pastor Rick Warren regarding Rupert Murdock...
An Open Letter to Pastor Rick Warren, of Saddleback Church:
Dear Pastor Warren,
It has been a year-and-a-half since the world first learned that you are media mogul, Rupert Murdoch’s pastor. We’d like an update to learn how Mr. Murdoch is progressing in his spiritual growth.
Although, many Christians were pleased to learn that you’ve been able to help guide Mr. Murdoch along in his spiritual journey, we’d like to know if you’ve had the opportunity to share God’s law with Mr. Murdoch and show him from God’s Word that it is sinful and unthinkable for a Christian to earn money from or own a company that makes a profit from pornography and the sexual exploitation of women. Have you told Mr. Murdoch that he needs to repent of this terrible sin?
We're sure that you are aware that NewsCorp, which is owned by Murdoch, sells more pornographic films than Larry Flint. Sadly, this business report reveals that Murdoch's porn empire is growing rather than shrinking.
We know that you would agree that pornography is a sin. We also know that you've publicly encouraged those addicted to pornography to get help breaking their addictions through programs like Celebrate Recovery.
Pastor Warren, since you openly reach out to consumers of pornography, we’d like to know how you’re using your influence to help limit and reduce the supply of pornography?
There is no way that God's purpose for Rupert is to be a porn peddler. There is also no way that Mr. Murdoch's S.H.A.P.E. test said that has the spiritual gift of 'pornographer'.
Have you encouraged Rupert to enter a Celebrate Recovery program to help him break his addiction to pornography profits?
How is it going?
When will we be hearing the details of Rupert Murdoch’s plan to dismantle his porn distribution empire?
Pastor Warren, you’ve said that you’re addicted to changed lives. Is Ruport Murdoch’s life changing? Is Mr. Murdoch more ‘Christ-like’ than he was a year and a half ago?
When can we expect to see the fruit of this change?
Editor's note: Will Pastor Warren respond to this letter the way he responded to Joseph Farah?
Mass. High School Casts The Next Stone & Food
BROOKLINE, Massachusetts, May 4, 2007 (
By Gudrun Schultz
"A small group of parents demonstrating against homosexuality were assaulted by a crowd of nearly 200 hostile students outside Brookline High School during the pro-homosexual “Day of Silence,” MassResistance reported April 25. Described as “screaming, swearing and throwing food,” the students surrounded the half-dozen parents while several school faculty members and administrators stood by."
Read the rest of the story here...
By Gudrun Schultz
"A small group of parents demonstrating against homosexuality were assaulted by a crowd of nearly 200 hostile students outside Brookline High School during the pro-homosexual “Day of Silence,” MassResistance reported April 25. Described as “screaming, swearing and throwing food,” the students surrounded the half-dozen parents while several school faculty members and administrators stood by."
Read the rest of the story here...
Shepherding or Commercial Sheep-herding?
From Christian Research Network:
In another example of the worldy influence in church growth, for-the-sake-of-growth and not the Gospel we read the following in Church…
Capital Campaigns: Church Growth in a Consumer-Driven Environment
"Are you trying to capture the next generation? Trying to learn how they think? What makes them tick? Do you have what it takes to get them to your church?"
"It’s a question not only every pastor is asking but also every business across America. The businessman is spending millions trying to understand them in order to sell their products but a pastor desires to understand their needs in order to save their souls."
"Much can be learned from economics studies done by large corporations. In reviewing some of these results, we have documented seven of the most interesting observations that we believe give church leaders an important insight into successfully reaching the next generation…"
Isaiah 42:20 Seeing many things, but you do not observe; Opening the ears, but he does not hear.” 21 The LORD is well pleased for His righteousness’ sake; He will exalt the law and make it honorable. 22 But this is a people robbed and plundered; All of them are snared in holes, And they are hidden in prison houses; They are for prey, and no one delivers; For plunder, and no one says, “Restore!” 23 Who among you will give ear to this? Who will listen and hear for the time to come? (NKJV)
In another example of the worldy influence in church growth, for-the-sake-of-growth and not the Gospel we read the following in Church…
Capital Campaigns: Church Growth in a Consumer-Driven Environment
"Are you trying to capture the next generation? Trying to learn how they think? What makes them tick? Do you have what it takes to get them to your church?"
"It’s a question not only every pastor is asking but also every business across America. The businessman is spending millions trying to understand them in order to sell their products but a pastor desires to understand their needs in order to save their souls."
"Much can be learned from economics studies done by large corporations. In reviewing some of these results, we have documented seven of the most interesting observations that we believe give church leaders an important insight into successfully reaching the next generation…"
Isaiah 42:20 Seeing many things, but you do not observe; Opening the ears, but he does not hear.” 21 The LORD is well pleased for His righteousness’ sake; He will exalt the law and make it honorable. 22 But this is a people robbed and plundered; All of them are snared in holes, And they are hidden in prison houses; They are for prey, and no one delivers; For plunder, and no one says, “Restore!” 23 Who among you will give ear to this? Who will listen and hear for the time to come? (NKJV)
Friday, May 4, 2007
Sacramento School Casts The Next Stone
Another 75 suspended for opposing 'gay' dayChristian students with Bible messages on shirts booted...from WorldNet Daily:
At least another 75 students have been suspended from school in California for wearing shirts that expressed their biblically-based opposition to homosexuality, and the district that, as WND reported, has been imposing the punishments, says those quotations aren't necessarily acceptable because they are from God's Word.
At least another 75 students have been suspended from school in California for wearing shirts that expressed their biblically-based opposition to homosexuality, and the district that, as WND reported, has been imposing the punishments, says those quotations aren't necessarily acceptable because they are from God's Word.
Hate Crimes Battle Moves to the Senate
WASHINGTON, May 4 /Christian Newswire/ -- Faith2Action will unveil plans today at the National Press Club for the continuing battle over expansion of federal hate crime laws. This battle is shifting to the U.S. Senate after passage of the bill H.R. 1592 by the U.S. House yesterday.
"We are very grateful to the President for the promise of a veto to protect our freedom of speech and religion, but we have much work ahead in the Senate, if we are to turn back this assault on our liberty for good," declares Janet Folger, founder and president of Faith2Action.
"We are very grateful to the President for the promise of a veto to protect our freedom of speech and religion, but we have much work ahead in the Senate, if we are to turn back this assault on our liberty for good," declares Janet Folger, founder and president of Faith2Action.
Purpose-Driven Pornography?
From Christian Newswire:
ORANGE COUNTY, Calif., May 4 // -- Chris Rosebrough, who heads the Christian Accountability Network, and authors the blogs and, is calling on Pastor Rick Warren, author of the Purpose-Driven Life to discipline media mogul, Rupert Murdoch for owning and expanding a network of pornographic channels in Europe.Said Rosebrough, "Rupert Murdoch is a born-again Christian and Rick Warren claims to be his pastor. As a Christian, Murdoch is committing an egregious sin by owning, expanding and profiting from pornographic channels and Rick Warren, as his pastor, has a Biblical duty to call Murdoch to repentance and/or put him out of the church."
Read the rest of the news release here...
ORANGE COUNTY, Calif., May 4 // -- Chris Rosebrough, who heads the Christian Accountability Network, and authors the blogs and, is calling on Pastor Rick Warren, author of the Purpose-Driven Life to discipline media mogul, Rupert Murdoch for owning and expanding a network of pornographic channels in Europe.Said Rosebrough, "Rupert Murdoch is a born-again Christian and Rick Warren claims to be his pastor. As a Christian, Murdoch is committing an egregious sin by owning, expanding and profiting from pornographic channels and Rick Warren, as his pastor, has a Biblical duty to call Murdoch to repentance and/or put him out of the church."
Read the rest of the news release here...
When Should You Change Churches?
Despite what Rick Warren or Lifeway Research may lead you to believe, there are Biblical reasons why people leave a church.
Old has two short articles that explore the Biblical reasons for seeking out a Biblical church family. The first, When To Leave a Church: A Biblical Approach lays down principles to protect the church in a situation of heresy and to maintain its doctrinal purity.
The second article, Escape That Local Church with Poor Teaching where the writer makes the point, "I don't think people ought to stick around at a church where they are preaching cotton candy sermons with a few bible verses sprinkled in every week. These churches aren't necessarily teaching heresy, or a false Gospel; they are just really shallow."
Steve Camp also offers Biblical guidance to churches for holding their pastors accountable.
The thief breaks in when the household is sleeping or the lamps are not filled with oil.
Old has two short articles that explore the Biblical reasons for seeking out a Biblical church family. The first, When To Leave a Church: A Biblical Approach lays down principles to protect the church in a situation of heresy and to maintain its doctrinal purity.
The second article, Escape That Local Church with Poor Teaching where the writer makes the point, "I don't think people ought to stick around at a church where they are preaching cotton candy sermons with a few bible verses sprinkled in every week. These churches aren't necessarily teaching heresy, or a false Gospel; they are just really shallow."
Steve Camp also offers Biblical guidance to churches for holding their pastors accountable.
The thief breaks in when the household is sleeping or the lamps are not filled with oil.
The Emergent New Downgrade Controversy in the American Christian Church
Pastor Ken Silva sounds the alarm regarding the growing apostasy in today's "evangelical" church as John McCarthur warns of spiritual terrorists...
"...if you want a real and clear example of the New Downgrade and where this seeker sensitive new evangelical man-centered preaching of men like Rick Warren and Rob Bell is leading then consider this post called How Systematic Theology Kills People -FOREVER. While the author begins by telling us all that he is not, his words reveal the corrupt heart of this new evangelicalism - its hatred of the doctrines of grace. The comments section of that website is also quite revealing as to the spiritually corrupt fruit of the mystic musings of the Emergent Church and the defense of so-called "human sovereignty" within the new evangelicalism itself..."
"...And yet, still the Lord has sent someone like Dr. John MacArthur to call us back to doing what the Bible says, and who is right now preaching a MUST hear series called How to Identify Terrorists in the Church."
"...if you want a real and clear example of the New Downgrade and where this seeker sensitive new evangelical man-centered preaching of men like Rick Warren and Rob Bell is leading then consider this post called How Systematic Theology Kills People -FOREVER. While the author begins by telling us all that he is not, his words reveal the corrupt heart of this new evangelicalism - its hatred of the doctrines of grace. The comments section of that website is also quite revealing as to the spiritually corrupt fruit of the mystic musings of the Emergent Church and the defense of so-called "human sovereignty" within the new evangelicalism itself..."
"...And yet, still the Lord has sent someone like Dr. John MacArthur to call us back to doing what the Bible says, and who is right now preaching a MUST hear series called How to Identify Terrorists in the Church."
Purpose Driven Going Emergent?
From Christian Research Network
While visiting Journey Church in Manhattan, Rick Warren shared a variety of views noted by live blogger Jeremy Del Rio. Warren provides the "Antidote to Sin" which equates to mere human moral caliber, and omits confession, repentance and Holy Spirit-driven regeneration. Warren paints the PEACE plan as the "church’s next reformation." In the same breath Warren is quoted to say "Change the culture by art, music, and sports. NOT Politics…Can’t change the hearts of people through legislation. But art moves the heart."
In a very revealing statement, Warren seems to cast his new vision for the Purpose Driven Network… Del Rio notes "Canceled Purpose Driven conference this year so the focus would change this year from conferences to conversations."
Yes, conversations, the Emergent code word for creating your own personal religious experience void of any Biblical, doctrinal footing.
Do the 30,000 churches who have bought the Purpose Driven franchise have any idea what will be sold to them next?
While visiting Journey Church in Manhattan, Rick Warren shared a variety of views noted by live blogger Jeremy Del Rio. Warren provides the "Antidote to Sin" which equates to mere human moral caliber, and omits confession, repentance and Holy Spirit-driven regeneration. Warren paints the PEACE plan as the "church’s next reformation." In the same breath Warren is quoted to say "Change the culture by art, music, and sports. NOT Politics…Can’t change the hearts of people through legislation. But art moves the heart."
In a very revealing statement, Warren seems to cast his new vision for the Purpose Driven Network… Del Rio notes "Canceled Purpose Driven conference this year so the focus would change this year from conferences to conversations."
Yes, conversations, the Emergent code word for creating your own personal religious experience void of any Biblical, doctrinal footing.
Do the 30,000 churches who have bought the Purpose Driven franchise have any idea what will be sold to them next?
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Rick Warren and Leonard Sweet Together Again
From Lighthouse Research Trails:
-- Sweet: "Reinvent yourself for the 21st century or die."
Catalyst Conference will be taking place this October, and long-time colleagues Rick Warren and New Age sympathizer Leonard Sweet will be speakers. Warren and Sweet have both been instrumental in helping set the stage for the emerging church movement. And even though Leonard Sweet has been an avid promoter of New Age ideas for a long time, Warren has shown continued support for him. In 1995, the two did an audio series called The Tides of Change. In the audio, they spoke of "new frontiers," "a new spirituality," and "waves of change." In more recent days, with Rick Warren's New Reformation and Global Peace Plan, those "new frontiers" have begun to come to the light.
Read more of Warren's & Sweet's history here and here.
-- Sweet: "Reinvent yourself for the 21st century or die."
Catalyst Conference will be taking place this October, and long-time colleagues Rick Warren and New Age sympathizer Leonard Sweet will be speakers. Warren and Sweet have both been instrumental in helping set the stage for the emerging church movement. And even though Leonard Sweet has been an avid promoter of New Age ideas for a long time, Warren has shown continued support for him. In 1995, the two did an audio series called The Tides of Change. In the audio, they spoke of "new frontiers," "a new spirituality," and "waves of change." In more recent days, with Rick Warren's New Reformation and Global Peace Plan, those "new frontiers" have begun to come to the light.
Read more of Warren's & Sweet's history here and here.
What's Right with The World?
From Christian Research Network:
Seeker Sensitive masters at Willow Creek sponsors the "What’s Right with the World" Arts Conference. The stated objective is "…express what’s right with the world, your team needs to be committed to each other and to making a difference through the use of creative arts in your church."
The subtle implication of the "what is right with the world" theme is magnified when the speaker line up is reviewed: Brian McLaren, Erwin McManus, Dan Kimball, Donald Miller.
The encrypted Conference message decoded might read…" the Seeker Sensitive and The Emerging Church honors the world in all it’s expressed, creative forms."
Is your church a member of the Willow Creek Association?
Seeker Sensitive masters at Willow Creek sponsors the "What’s Right with the World" Arts Conference. The stated objective is "…express what’s right with the world, your team needs to be committed to each other and to making a difference through the use of creative arts in your church."
The subtle implication of the "what is right with the world" theme is magnified when the speaker line up is reviewed: Brian McLaren, Erwin McManus, Dan Kimball, Donald Miller.
The encrypted Conference message decoded might read…" the Seeker Sensitive and The Emerging Church honors the world in all it’s expressed, creative forms."
Is your church a member of the Willow Creek Association?
Networking for the Global Good
Rick Warren continues his ecumenical flag-waving and his promotion of the social gospel in his Forbes Magazine article. In addition to his definition of the "Christian" church, Warren validates the global religious network as a key component of his P.E.A.C.E. plan . Warren also acknowledges Peter Drucker as a 20 year mentor.
A close examination of the P.E.A.C.E. plan reveals the remarkable similarity to the United Nations New Millenium Goals and the globalist organization, The Council on Foreign Relations which Dr. Warren is a member.
As time goes on, Rick Warren's interpretation of the the Great Commission becomes more clear.
A close examination of the P.E.A.C.E. plan reveals the remarkable similarity to the United Nations New Millenium Goals and the globalist organization, The Council on Foreign Relations which Dr. Warren is a member.
As time goes on, Rick Warren's interpretation of the the Great Commission becomes more clear.
Speak Up or Forever Hold Your Peace: HR 1592
From the American Family Association:
"...the Hate Crimes Act (HR 1592) — cleared committee for a full vote by the House. The Hate Crimes Act criminalizes a vast array of state and local acts and threatens religious leaders with criminal prosecution for their thoughts, beliefs, and statements. The intent of the Hate Crimes Act is to give special status to homosexuals. Republicans tried to expand the “protected class” in the bill to include senior citizens, pregnant women, prior victims, children under 18, the unborn, court witnesses, the military and more. Democrats defeated all amendments, projecting the welfare of homosexuals above other classes of citizens. The House Judiciary Committee then passed the bill on strict party lines —20 Democrats for and 14 Republicans against."
Take Action
Send an e-mail (pre-formatted & linked for delivery at AFA website) to President Bush asking him to veto ENDA (HR 2015) and the Hate Crimes Act (HR 1592) bills. Call your representative and ask him or her to vote against ENDA and the Hate Crimes Act. You can reach your representative at 202-224-3121. If you don’t know your representatives name, simply give the operator your address and you will be given his or her name and connected with his or her office. Forward this e-mail to your pastor, family and friends. Ask your pastor to urge members to send this e-mail and to call your Representative.
"...the Hate Crimes Act (HR 1592) — cleared committee for a full vote by the House. The Hate Crimes Act criminalizes a vast array of state and local acts and threatens religious leaders with criminal prosecution for their thoughts, beliefs, and statements. The intent of the Hate Crimes Act is to give special status to homosexuals. Republicans tried to expand the “protected class” in the bill to include senior citizens, pregnant women, prior victims, children under 18, the unborn, court witnesses, the military and more. Democrats defeated all amendments, projecting the welfare of homosexuals above other classes of citizens. The House Judiciary Committee then passed the bill on strict party lines —20 Democrats for and 14 Republicans against."
Take Action
Send an e-mail (pre-formatted & linked for delivery at AFA website) to President Bush asking him to veto ENDA (HR 2015) and the Hate Crimes Act (HR 1592) bills. Call your representative and ask him or her to vote against ENDA and the Hate Crimes Act. You can reach your representative at 202-224-3121. If you don’t know your representatives name, simply give the operator your address and you will be given his or her name and connected with his or her office. Forward this e-mail to your pastor, family and friends. Ask your pastor to urge members to send this e-mail and to call your Representative.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Rick Warren Turns His Back on the Martyred Reformers
From Pastor Ken Silva of Christian Research Network
In an article for Forbes last week called The Power of Parishioners Rick Warren, founder of the new evangelical Purpose Driven religion says, “the Christian Church. The Church, in all its expressions–Catholic, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Protestant and many others–has 2.3 billion followers.”
Rick Warren had also said previously, “I see absolutely zero reason in separating my fellowship from anybody.” So now we can see with certainty Rick Warren has turned his back on men like John Hus, Hugh Latimer and Nicolas Ridley, Church Reformers and Christians who were burned alive at the stake by order of apostate Popes of the Roman Catholic Church.
In an article for Forbes last week called The Power of Parishioners Rick Warren, founder of the new evangelical Purpose Driven religion says, “the Christian Church. The Church, in all its expressions–Catholic, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Protestant and many others–has 2.3 billion followers.”
Rick Warren had also said previously, “I see absolutely zero reason in separating my fellowship from anybody.” So now we can see with certainty Rick Warren has turned his back on men like John Hus, Hugh Latimer and Nicolas Ridley, Church Reformers and Christians who were burned alive at the stake by order of apostate Popes of the Roman Catholic Church.
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