Thursday, February 7, 2008

The New "Do Good" Gospel

Herescope offers an excellent summary of Rick Warren's recent campaign to advance his global PEACE & PLURALISM plan...

Rick Warren's idea of religious pluralism is taking the evangelical church onto the international scene as a major player in global affairs. As the church becomes a global activist in this emerging new world, it is quickly shedding its unique ability to spread the Gospel. Instead the focus is on programs, networks, and activities -- a call Rick Warren is making to the church to "do good."

...the evangelical church is now becoming effectually neutralized as it emerges as a bigtime player on the global scene. Rick Warren commented on the new neutrality in a Washington Post article this week, "Megachurch Pastor Warren Calls for a Second Reformation" by Michelle Boorstein:Rick Warren, a megachurch pastor and philanthropist who is courted by political leaders worldwide, says he thinks Christianity needs a "second Reformation" that would steer the church away from divisive politics and be "about deeds, not creeds.") In this interview, Warren also indicated that he has now shifted his attentions away from "hot-botton issues" to "changing the culture. . . through politics, art, music and sports..."

Warren described the 3-legged partnerships he is forming between the church, governments and industry, and indicated that this new global activity isn't about the Gospel anymore.

See this critical article in it's entirety here at Herescope.

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