Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Cost of Contending

The Cost of Contending By Jan Markell

What has happened in the last 20 years is like the frog in the kettle. Wolves in sheep’s clothing have slowly crept into the church. Bad theology worsened but little by little. Because it didn’t happen overnight, many did not notice. Soon, they adjusted to the “new ways of doing church,” be it “seeker-sensitive,” Emergent, etc.

Church leaders “widened the door.” In other words, they furthered the issue with weak preaching and targeting the unsaved rather than feeding true believers eager to grow.

Church members began to speak up but what happened? I have heard of the many who were lectured, asked to leave, called troublemakers and divisive. Unity has become all-important. But how can true believers be united around false or weak preaching and teaching? Solid Christians are being told that they must be tolerant for the sake of unity...

To keep silent when such things are going on today is not an option. Eternity may be at stake for some. If you have a passion for the truth and for contending for it, others who are like-minded will come into your life. You are not asked to go on this journey alone. If you do nothing, you are helping the enemy. If you remain silent, you allow the spiritual destruction to continue...

I am asking you to be a part of a solution and not just be a part of discussing the problem. Will you count the cost of contending and go for it? You will some day be held accountable for what you choose to do.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, may the Lord give us all strength and hope in this, because it is far from easy, but as you say ENTIRELY necessary.


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