Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Purpose-Driven Synagogues

In this piece from The New Times, An Unlikely Megachurch Lesson, we find that leaders of the Jewish faith have sought out Rick Warren's wisdom and techniques for congregation building since 1995.

"This has not been a studiously balanced bit of ecumenicism. Synagogue 3000, the group led by Mr. Wolfson, an education professor, and Rabbi Hoffman, a scholar of liturgy, went to the church to figure out what evangelical Christians were doing right that Jews were doing wrong or not at all...To put it bluntly, Mr. Wolfson said, if there are thousands of people waiting to get in, I want to know what’s going on. I want to know what they’re doing that’s tapping those souls.”

Significant to note that some of the Jewish leaders actually compared Warren's position on homosexuality to Scriptures...

"When Mr. Warren conducted his workshop for Synagogue 3000’s leaders in 2005, several participants challenged his view of homosexuality as abnormal and unbiblical. “Every faith has its own parameters,” Mr. Warren responded, calmly and firmly, in an exchange preserved on a DVD of the session. “You can’t believe it all.” (emphasis mine)

Mr. Wolfson said, "The story doesn’t get across that Judaism is a way to find meaning and purpose in your life. And that’s another lesson I’ve learned from the evangelical model.”

Rick Warren continues to prove that his consumer-driven religion is omni-denominational. Which is the very reason why the purpose-driven model and the thousands of churches intoxicated by it, is unbiblical.

See related posts, Seeker Sensitive Synagogue, See & Hear It For Yourself: Warren & Synagogue 3000

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