Wednesday, March 7, 2012


From Apprising Ministries

By now you’re likely aware of Rick Warren builds bridge to Muslims by veteran journalist Jim Hinch, which ran in the Orange Country Register. Hinch told us that back in December that Rick Warren began “an effort to heal divisions between evangelical Christians and Muslims.”

One of the ways Hinch said Warren would do this is:

by partnering with Southern California mosques and proposing a set of theological principles that includes acknowledging that Christians and Muslims worship the same God.

The effort, informally dubbed King’s Way, caps years of outreach between Warren and Muslims. (Online source)

Apprising Ministries began our coverage of this in Rick Warren, Islam, And Jim Hinch when Warren accused Hinch of putting out an article with “multiple errors.” I also shared Hinch’s defense that came from my discussion with him.

Then I would write Apprising Ministries Exclusive On Rick Warren, Jim Hinch, And Islam after I contacted Hinch again concerning how I might obtain a copy of the King’s Way because it hasn’t been published anywhere.

He was kind enough to share the relevant portion concerning what it says about God. Then Ed Stetzer of the SBC’s Lifeway Research publishing arm decided to take a swipe at ministries like this and come to Warren’s defense.

So, yesterday I wrote Rick Warren, Ed Stetzer, And Watchbloggers where I helped to focus attention on the issues and walk you through what’s at stake. Briefly, one can see why Hinch said what he did.

Read the rest at Apprising Ministries.

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