Friday, November 12, 2010

Rick Warren's Glass House of Heresy

Pastor Ken Silva at Apprising Ministries flagged Rick Warren's tweet on the definition of heresy...

Pastor Silva plainly illustrates Warren's embrace of Roman Catholicism. Such a position conflicts with the biblical basis of the Protestant Reformation. Pastor Silva replies to Warren's tweet with the following:

"Heresy is claiming u follow Christ while embracing as fellow believers those who faithfully follow Roman Catholicism’s false gospel, thereby disrespecting God’s family."

Another aspect of Rick Warren's tweet is that it seems to be one way...Rick's Way. Warren sets up the straw man, a believer attacking another believer. Warren then labels the attack as an act of heresy. Certainly, the statement seems valid, in and of itself. However, Rick Warren's history of ad hominen attacks upon those critical of his pragmatism and theology quickly tarnishes any validity his tweet may have offered.

Here's a just a few examples of Rick Warren, et. al, attacking other believers:

Warren: Protect The Unity, Throw Out The Resisters

Rick Warren: "People are going to have to die or leave"

Purpose Driven Resisters - Must Leave or Die

Rick Warren’s Inquisition

Resisters Called "Leaders from Hell"

Rick Warren Says Christians Hate Non-Christians

Purpose Driven Dismemberment

Rick Warren: Fundamentalists Don’t Listen

Purpose Driven Stone Throwing

Christians: Fear the Lord, Not Rick Warren!

More Purpose Driven Stone Throwing at Christians

Growing Hostility Toward Biblical Christianity...from Evangelicals

Throwing Cyber-Sand In The Face of A Purpose-Driven Resister

Christian Leader Pays For Speaking Out Against Rick Warren

Purpose Driven Persecution

Warren: Blogosphere Uncivilized, Faith is Simply a Worldview

Casting Stones In The Name Of Unity

Warren Casts The First Stone

Rick Warren Casts More Stones

Rick Warren Condemns Christians ... Again

Warren Blames Church Splits on Indulgent Christians

Warren: Protect The Unity, Throw Out The Resisters

Rick Warren: "People are going to have to die or leave"

Purpose Driven Resisters - Must Leave or Die

Rick Warren’s Inquisition

Resisters Called "Leaders from Hell"

More Purpose Driven Division

Dealing With Purpose Driven Resisters

Collateral Damage of the Purpose Driven Pastor

More Collateral Damage From A Purpose Driven Pastor

Dismembered By A Purpose Driven Pastor

Web Hosting Service Caves To Purpose Driven Pressure

Rick Warren's definition of heresy apparently doesn't apply to him.

Here's another tweet to consider:

People in glass houses can throw stones if they hide in a crystal cathedral.

"Do as I say, not as I do." That's the definition of hypocrisy.

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