Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Experts: Health Hazards in Gulf Warrant Evacuations

From TruthOut.org

When Louisiana residents ask marine toxicologist and community activist Riki Ott what she would do if she lived in the Gulf with children, she tells them she would leave immediately. "It's that bad. We need to start talking about who's going to pay for evacuations."

...Ott says people who are experiencing discomfort of any kind, especially children, pregnant women, cancer survivors, asthma sufferers and African-Americans because they're prone to sickle cell anemia, should wear a respirator and see a doctor that specializes in chemical poisoning immediately. She also recommends contacting the detox specialists at The Environmental Health Center in Dallas, Texas. "People don't have the information to know that the burning sore throat is actually chemical poisoning," she said. "And this isn't getting any attention, but it's very important. There are no vaccinations for chemical poisoning. None."

...I called Kaufman to find out if he agrees with Ott's decision to sound the alarm about evacuations. The short answer? Yes. "If you're getting sick, it's because you're being poisoned," he said. "Those chemicals can cause cancer 20 years down the line and that's why Riki Ott is saying some areas have to be evacuated. That's true. We don't know how bad it is because the EPA is not doing adequate air testing. They're taking some measurements so they can tell the public that everything is safe [when in fact the public has] an increased risk of getting cancer and dying early. They're pawns in a money game."

See also: Attention Gulf Coast: Prepare To Abandon Ship, Exxon Valdez Survivor Sounds Alarm On Gulf Disaster , Gulf Oil Disaster: The Suicide Economy , Secrecy surrounding the Gulf Coast devastation is criminal , Gulf of Mexico's Airborne Toxins Move Inland - Dr. Says MOVE OUT ,

See all related articles on the Gulf oil disaster here.

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