Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Inside Story of the Financial Crisis

Connecting the Dots — The bait and switch: The inside story of the financial crisis and the proposed solution - by Bill Wilson, KIN Senior Analyst

It will likely cost every man woman and child in America over $3,000 to bail out Wall Street from its self-inflicted financial disaster. Yet certain politicians and, most certainly, a group of executives are going to continue to benefit from political contributions and salaries that would put the average American citizen on Easy Street for the rest of his life. This entire financial crisis is the largest power grab and redistribution of property and wealth from hardworking Americans by the federal government in the history of the United States. And it's brought to you by a Democratic-controlled Congress implicit in the crime and a Republican Administration whose cronies will benefit from the bailout at your expense.

According to a well-documented story by FOX News' John Gibson, the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy can be traced back to the mortgage debacle of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Gibson says these two companies used "a huge lobbying budget and political contributions" to keep regulators from doing their job.Number 2 on the list after just four years in the Senate is B. Hussein Obama, raking in over $126,000. Rival John McCain is found at No. 62, receiving a little over $21,500.Gibson reports that Fannie and Freddie, creations of Congressional Democrats and the Clinton White House, have been places for "big Washington Democrats to go to work in the semi-private sector and pocket millions."

Gibson cites as examples Clinton White House Budget Director Franklin Raines, an Obama advisor, who received $50 million from Fannie Mae; and Jim Johnson, the Fannie Mae CEO who raked in millions. Johnson is also a close Obama associate who was on Obama's vice presidential search committee. In May 2006, John McCain spoke in favor of a bill to tighten regulations on Fannie and Freddie. McCain quoted the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight report that fingered Raines for "deliberately and intentionally manipulating financial reports to hit earnings targets in order to trigger bonuses for senior executives."

The report said that over half of Raines' compensation was tied to the falsified earnings targets. Your property and finances are soon to be controlled by the federal government. The change that Obama and his party promises appears to be found in the Marxist philosophies that have culminated in what will be the largest wealth redistribution in our nation’s history — a coup d'état that puts Democratic and Republican one-world-order bosses in control of life, liberty and property and dismantles the Constitution of the United States. This is time for great alarm, prayer and action.

Romans 13:12 (NKJV) says, "The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light."We must act now to preserve the blessings of God and our constitutional republic.

See related articles: Season of Signs: Passover Through Pentecost 2008 , The Global Solution to the Wall Street Crisis , THE FINAL GLOBALIZATION OF THE U.S. BANKING SYSTEM , China State News Calls For New World Economic Order , Turkey's Gul Anticipates 'New World Order' , India Calls For Global Crises Center , Financial Markets Turmoil Deepens Global Crisis , IndyMac bank crisis signals new takeover era, Fed, SEC Team Up On Bank Oversight , The 3F's of Global Crises; Food, Fuel, Finance

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