Saturday, March 15, 2008

Signs of A Purpose Driven Transition In Your Church, Part IV

In part IV at Rick Warren's Ministry Tool Box, change master Chuck McAlister gets to the entertainment side of attracting the unchurched.

Worship styles presented as a biblically neutral, preference and personal taste issue by the :

  • People have strong preferences in regard to worship styles to which they assign spiritual significance. This part of the transition process must be handled delicately over an extended period of time or you could sabotage the whole process.

Give the people what they want from the pulpit to be relevent ( as if the depravity of man and God's plan of salvation isn't relevent enough )

  • Preach the Bible in such a way as to demonstrate how the Scriptures can meet people's needs. Stay at this step for one year before moving to the next step to allow for an influx of new people who are drawn by the relevant teaching.

Bring in Sight and Sound entertainment to compliment your man-centered preaching to be appealing to the unchurched, not to glorify God.

  • Introduce video projection of sermon notes and words of the songs at this point.
  • Form a worship planning team that will help you plan services to correspond with the message so that all songs match the theme of the message.
  • Introduce new arrangements of favorite hymns.
  • Start with a new chorus of the month.
  • Begin to Use a Praise Team

Use the youth ministry as an excuse to slowly introduce other musical instruments and misrepresent your intent to the church:

  • One strategy that works extremely well is to launch a monthly youth service, explaining to your church family that this service will be targeting the youth of your city
  • Introduce Other Instruments - Gradually de-emphasize the piano and organ while introducing other instruments like guitars and drums. This transition can be started with Sunday night services

For those churches that do not readily accept this change, the alternative solution is to continue the more traditional service while starting a contemporary service at an alternative time... The potential for dissension and disunity in the church as a result of these different services is significant...It will be painful and tough. Stay the course and keep a gracious spirit. You will survive.

Let the show begin...

  • Introduce Drama, Video Illustrations, and Testimonies into the Service - At this step, the pastor must prepare sermons far enough in advance to allow the worship planning team more time to prepare dramas, find video illustrations or enlist testimonies. At this point, additional ministries can be birthed that offer direct input into the worship service, for example, a drama ministry.
  • Begin Multiple Services with Different Styles - The next step for our church is to begin two alternative services with two dramatically different styles of worship: a classic hymn service and a Southern-gospel service.

Proper sequencing to minimize dissent and objection...

These services are started at this time because the motivation behind them is to reach the unchurched, not provide a collecting place for members who are upset over the worship transition. If these services are started sooner in the process, then those who are unhappy with the worship transition could take the services hostage, causing these services to become breeding grounds for disunity in the church rather than opportunities to reach the unchurched.

Editor's note: The resisters are blamed for casuing disunity and holding the services hostage? It is the purpose-driven pastor who has hijacked the congregation and his departure from Biblical teaching and worship causes mature bible-believing Christians to:

  • call out the false teaching and contend for the faith
  • confront the church leaders who are engaged in manipulation, false pretense and misrepresentation
  • alert the church family and demand a congregational review of the pastor's purpose-driven / seeker sensitive pursuit
  • Allow the congregation to review the roots of purpose-driven / seeker sensitive and allow the congregation to decide if it is to be pursued.

See Part I, Part II, Part III, Part V

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