Dr. Paul Elliott of Teaching The Word Ministries, presents a six part series on confronting false teaching within the church on The Scripture Driven Church broadcast:
"...You need to make a distinction between private matters and public matters. The Biblical principle is that private sins need to be confronted privately, but public sins need to be confronted publicly. We find a number of examples of this in Scripture. For example, we find in the epistle of Third John that the Apostle John said he was going to publicly confront Diotrephes, the pastor of a local church, about his falsehoods. And we find, as we have seen before, that the Apostle Paul publicly confronted the Apostle Peter at Antioch when Peter publicly strayed from the one true Gospel into legalism.
If someone has persisted in false teaching from the pulpit, or in a Sunday school class, or in a home Bible study, or has persistently written false teaching in books or other publications, this is a public matter. It is not a private sin. And so it immediately becomes a matter to be dealt with by the church as a body, and not on a private basis. And that is because there is more than the spiritual welfare of one individual or a even handful of individuals at stake. The spiritual welfare of the entire church is at stake."
Listen online, download MP3's and pdf's of each of the six broadcasts here at Teaching The Word Ministries.
Dr. Elliott's Scripture Driven Church broadcast can also be found at Sermonaudio.com
"...You need to make a distinction between private matters and public matters. The Biblical principle is that private sins need to be confronted privately, but public sins need to be confronted publicly. We find a number of examples of this in Scripture. For example, we find in the epistle of Third John that the Apostle John said he was going to publicly confront Diotrephes, the pastor of a local church, about his falsehoods. And we find, as we have seen before, that the Apostle Paul publicly confronted the Apostle Peter at Antioch when Peter publicly strayed from the one true Gospel into legalism.
If someone has persisted in false teaching from the pulpit, or in a Sunday school class, or in a home Bible study, or has persistently written false teaching in books or other publications, this is a public matter. It is not a private sin. And so it immediately becomes a matter to be dealt with by the church as a body, and not on a private basis. And that is because there is more than the spiritual welfare of one individual or a even handful of individuals at stake. The spiritual welfare of the entire church is at stake."
Listen online, download MP3's and pdf's of each of the six broadcasts here at Teaching The Word Ministries.
Dr. Elliott's Scripture Driven Church broadcast can also be found at Sermonaudio.com
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