Tuesday, August 31, 2010

21,000 people evacuated as Indonesian volcano continues to spew ash

21,000 people evacuated as Indonesian volcano continues to spew ash for miles around

Aircraft have had to be diverted and more than 21,000 people evacuated after an Indonesian volcano erupted for the second day in a row.

Towering clouds of ash are being spewed out of Mount Sinabung in North Sumatra and thousands of villagers living on its slopes have been forced to head to emergency shelters, mosques and churches.

Homes and fields containing crops have been blanketed in heavy, gray soot and the air near the volcano is thick with the smell of sulphur.

PANEL: Global Warming Report Made Exaggerated and False Claims


THE world’s leading climate change body has been accused of losing credibility after a damning report into its research practices.

A high-level inquiry into the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found there was “little evidence” for its claims about global warming.

It also said the panel had emphasised the negative impacts of climate change and made “substantive findings” based on little proof.

The review by the InterAcademy Council (IAC) was launched after the IPCC’s hugely embarrassing 2007 benchmark climate change report, which contained exaggerated and false claims that Himalayan glaciers could melt by 2035.

The panel was forced to admit its key claim in support of global warming was lifted from a 1999 magazine article. The report was based on an interview with a little-known Indian scientist who has since said his views were “speculation” and not backed by research.

Independent climate scientist Peter Taylor said last night: “The IPCC’s credibility has been deeply dented and something has to be done. It can’t just be a matter of adjusting the practices. They have got to look at what are the consequences of having got it wrong in terms of what the public think is going on. Admitting that it needs to reform means something has gone wrong and they really do need to look at the science.”

Climate change sceptic David Holland, who challenged leading climate change scientists at the University of East Anglia to disclose their research, said: “The panel is definitely not fit for purpose. What the IAC has said is substantial changes need to be made.”

Ken Silva On Glenn Beck's Theo-Politics

Pastor Ken Silva, president of Apprising Ministries, talks about Beck’s message and whether Christians should align themselves with a professing Mormon in what has become a religious movement.

We also touch on the emergent church, contemplative spirituality, and the ELCA’s recent decision to admit openly homosexual clergy into the pulpit, and trace these movements — including the call to “take America Back” on religious grounds — to the rejection of sola scriptura in favor of new “revelations”.

Click to listen to Ken Silva on Derek Gilbert's View From the Bunker.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Gulf Blue Plague: Corexit + Bacteria = Mutated Viruses

The World Vision Portal by Michael Edward

If you haven’t read The Gulf BLUE PLAGUE is Evolving or Gulf Oil Dispersant COREXIT is 11 Times More Lethal than Oil, you should do so in order to better understand what is being presented here. Both articles, along with others related to the Gulf time-bomb biological disaster, can be found at http://worldvisionportal.org/wvpforum/viewforum.php?f=52 .

Without a doubt, the Gulf Blue Plague is evolving biologically as you will see factually set before you here. In all probability, this is the primary reason the mainstream media (MSM) has been silenced, especially with regards to local media outlets along the Gulf Coast.

The Gulf of Mexico is a biological time bomb that is undoubtedly evolving into a chemically induced breeding ground for mutating viruses. All the aspects exist in the Gulf right now and have been established for over three months. Their ongoing manipulated evolution into a viral plague or viral epidemic is evident, yet has been ignored.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Virgin Mary Appears on BBC TV

This is a segment that appeared on the Wednesday 18th 2010 edition of BBC'S Newsnight programme (Newsnight is a BBC Television current affairs news programme noted for its in-depth analysis). Allan Little heads to the village of Medjugorje in Bosnia-Hercegovina, where many believe the Virgin Mary appears daily...

See also: Visions of the Virgin fuel Croat fervour in Medjugorje , The man who 'sees' Virgin Mary every day

See the very real deception behind the Marian Apparitions here.

The Coming Global Food Crisis

Russia's Wheat Problem Could Be Just The Beginning Of A Global Food Crisis

On Thursday, wheat prices hit $7.25 a bushel, a 71% increase since the June low. It’s the biggest one-month jump in three decades. The last time prices got this high was during the food crisis in 2008. (Wheat prices topped out at $13 then.) You may recall the ensuing food riots across the globe from Haiti to Egypt to Bangladesh.

Russia is again the center of attention. The worst heat wave and drought in a century has baked crops to a crisp in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. These three are among the biggest exporters of wheat in the world. They provide critical food supplies to the largest importing regions in the world – the Middle East and North Africa.

...Russia’s crop failure comes at a bad time. Most of the world’s wheat exporters are having problems. The Aussies battle locusts. The Canadians suffer from too much rain. Even European farmers struggle with drought. The Italians’ beloved tomato crop will come up 10-15% short this year. Belgian potato farmers say drought will nick their yields. Polish fruit orchards will be down by a fifth. The French wheat farmers curse the skies as their wheat fields shrivel in the sun. The English sheep farmers, short on hay and grass, have sold their flocks early. Even the Dutch expect 10% fewer tulip bulbs this year.

The market is tightening and there are ripple effects across the globe. Over the weekend, Egypt bought 180,000 metric tons of wheat – its second purchase in two weeks and more than expected. Egypt is the world’s largest importer.

Superbug Panics World

BEIJING, Aug. 16 (Xinhuanet) -- A new superbug, known as NDM-1, which stands for New-Delhi-Metallo, is likely to become one of the deadliest pandemics worldwide, media reported Monday.

The bacterial gene has reportedly become resistant to all known antibiotics, including the most powerful class called carbapenems.

Researchers believe it was transferred through medical surgeries.

The superbug has claimed the life of a Belgian man, the first death of its kind.

So far, the superbug gene has been identified in 37 people who returned to UK after visits to India or Pakistan.

Three people in Australia were reportedly infected after traveling to India for surgery.

"We are potentially at the beginning of another wave of antibiotic resistance, though we still have the power to stop it," Christopher Thomas, a professor of molecular genetics at the University of Birmingham, said in a statement.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

27 - 4.0+ Magnitude Quakes In North American Region

Click on image to go direct to USGS site.

The Azores in the Atlantic popped up on the radar without warning with nine quake events between 4.7 magnitude and 5.4 magnitude quake events over the last seven days. The Azores are located within the North Atlantic Rift Valley Zones.

Eight 6.0+ Magnitude Quakes in 7 Days

MAG 6.3 2010/08/18 16:28:15 MARIANA ISLANDS REGION

MAG 6.2 2010/08/16 19:35:48 FIJI REGION

MAG 6.3 2010/08/16 03:30:55 MAURITIUS - REUNION REGION


MAG 6.6 2010/08/14 23:01:06 MARIANA ISLANDS REGION

MAG 6.3 2010/08/14 07:30:17 MARIANA ISLANDS REGION

MAG 6.9 2010/08/13 21:19:33 MARIANA ISLANDS REGION

MAG 7.1 2010/08/12 11:54:16 ECUADOR

Gulf Oil Disaster: Life Time Health Hazard

Gulf Coast Fund Reports 53 Million Gallons of Oil Remain in Gulf, Disaster Not Over

Mental Health Crisis Looms as Jobs Disappear; Toxic Dispersant Still Being Used; Unsafe Seafood Threatens Commercial Fishing and Human Health; Dead Wildlife Washing Ashore

NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Nearly 4 months after the explosion that caused the BP oil disaster, the Gulf Coast Fund (http://www.gulfcoastfund.org), a community-led philanthropy in the Gulf South, reports that a dangerous amount of oil and dispersant remains in the Gulf of Mexico. Contrary to what BP and government officials have been stating, over 53 million gallons of oil are currently spread over the coastal areas and are washing ashore in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and the Florida panhandle.

According to Wilma Subra, a chemist/microbiologist and advisor to the Gulf Coast Fund, the public has not been accurately informed about the catastrophic effects of the spill. "Just because the oil is no longer on the surface, it does not indicate that the area is healthy," she explains. "We've received reports from local residents all along the coast who continue to see oil on and off shore, as well as reports of hundreds of dead fish, crabs, birds, dolphins, and other sea life," says Subra. Samples of crab larvae taken from the Gulf have been shown to contain both oil and dispersant.

Residents of Louisiana coastal parishes including Plaquemines, Terrebonne, and LaFourche continue to experience headaches, nausea, vomiting, burning eyes, and chest pains. Long-term health effects from chronic exposure to oil and dispersant include decreased lung function as well as genetic, cardiovascular, and reproductive damage. "Health issues will impact residents and clean-up workers for the rest of their lives," says Subra.

Gulf Oil Disaster: Oil and Illness Looms For Coastal Residents , Gulf Oil Disaster: Study Confirms Growing Threat To Coast , Gulf Oil Disaster: Doctor Warns of The Black Wave Rising ,
The Tale of Two Oil Spills , Toxicology Report On Gulf Dispersant

Attention Gulf Coast: Prepare To Abandon Ship, Exxon Valdez Survivor Sounds Alarm On Gulf Disaster , Gulf Oil Disaster: The Suicide Economy , Secrecy surrounding the Gulf Coast devastation is criminal , Gulf of Mexico's Airborne Toxins Move Inland - Dr. Says MOVE OUT

EPA Whistleblower Accuses Agency of Covering Up Effects of Dispersant in BP Oil Spill Cleanup ,
Experts: Health Hazards in Gulf Warrant Evacuations , Exxon Valdez Survivor Sounds Alarm On Gulf Disaster , Gulf Oil Disaster: The Suicide Economy

Illness Plagues Exxon Valdez Cleanup Worker , Gulf Oil Toxic Gas Risks To Humans , Canary In The Gulf Helps People Find Survival Information , BP'S Benzene Blows ashore in the Gulf ,
Gulf Oil Disaster: 400 Complain of Illness

Gulf Oil Disaster: EPA Air Quality Data Doesn't Pass Smell Test , Exxon Valdez oil risks spur warning for gulf cleanup crews , BP's Other Toxic Legacy: 'Decades of Misery' for Gulf Health

Gulf Oil Disaster: EPA Air Quality Data Doesn't Pass Smell Test , Presence of Airborne Toxic Gulf Gases Confirmed , The Gulf Disaster Death Gasses, Government Says Gulf Oil Spill Hasn't Entered Human Seafood Supply. Really Now? ,

Gulf Oil Disaster: The Threat To Food Chain Real -US Official , Gulf Oil Disaster: 400 Complain of Illness , Government Insiders: Get Ready for the Gulf "Dead Zone" , Gulf Oil Disaster: Corexit Suspected In Widespread Crop Damage , Gulf Oil Spill: Poisoning Air, Land and Sea

1,100 Missing in China Amid Sweeping Asia Floods


More Than 300 Dead as Rain-Triggered Landslides Strike Northwest, Collapsing Buildings and Burying Victims in Mud and Rubble.

(AP) Updated 10:49 a.m. ET

Rescuers dug through mud and wreckage Monday searching for more than 1,100 people missing after flash floods and landslides struck northwestern China, one of a series of floods across Asia that have killed hundreds and spread misery to millions more.

Chinese state media says the death toll in Sunday's massive landslide has risen to 337.

In Pakistan, frustrated victims railed against the government's anemic relief effort for the estimated 13 million affected by the country's worst-ever floods, while rescuers in mountainous Indian-controlled Kashmir raced to rescue dozens of stranded foreign trekkers and find 500 people still missing in flash floods that have killed 140.

165 dead in India flooding

(CNN) -- The death toll from last week's flooding and subsequent landslides has risen to 165 in the Himalayan town of Leh, India, according to a senior police officer.

In confirming the increased death toll, Farooq Ahmad also told CNN that at least 400 people were injured and "have been treated or are undergoing treatment in various hospitals in the town of Leh."

Rescue workers continued to search for more than 400 people missing, state-run media reported Monday.

"The weather has cleared in Leh and the rescue and relief operations are now in full swing," the local government said in a statement Monday.

Floods affect 20m people - Pakistan

The floods are the region's worst in 80 years - BBC

Pakistan's PM Yusuf Raza Gilani says 20 million people have been affected by the country's floods, a much higher estimate than the UN's 14 million.

He was addressing the nation during much muted celebrations of Pakistan's independence from the UK 63 years ago.

The United Nations has confirmed at least one case of cholera among the victims, in the Swat valley.

Health workers have been stepping up their battle against waterborne diseases in the flood-hit country.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Gulf Oil Disaster: Oil and Illness Looms For Coastal Residents

The Jaws Syndrome; Life Imitates Art On The Gulf Coast; The Crime of the Century Pt II by Jerry Cope

" I am in my hut which is small ... I have no where else to breathe and (the air) knocks me out. The lifeguards come and get me. They say you need to get the fire department over here... Look guys just go away let me get some fresh air. So they take me to try and find some fresh air. We can't find fresh air! We can't find a spot of fresh air for me to go anywhere in the beach.

...They (the emergency services) come over and I am 158 over 100 blood pressure, I am normally 120 over 100, they are like you have to go to the hospital right now. My boss shows up and he takes me to the workman's comp doctor. And the workman's comp doctor says you realize we all live in Gulf Shores and if we report you got sick from the fumes that we will create a problem and that would not be a good situation to have.

You can't just say you got sick from the fumes. And I was like, I did, I am giving you the knife that stabbed me. The fumes were what made me sick. And he was like yeah but that would cause a problem for the City.

...After talking with Riki Ott who is one of the marine biologists from the Exxon/Valdez she said one of the hardest things for people to realize is that they are telling us that they don't know the long-term effects of these chemicals when in fact they do know the long-term effects and that's the bull**** of what is gong on here.

The real long term effects are in the autopsies, the autopsies of the people who got sick. The people who died had lesions on their brains, the same lesions on their brains that the dolphins had. So there is such thing as long term effect to be proven outside of just the lung behavior.

This is my story but the story that ***** me off is that they are not stopping people from going in the water. This happened to me but it is going to happen to so many other people." - Former Gulf Shores Beach Supervisor/Head of Security Beach Ambassador Robyn Hill

Gulf Oil Disaster: Bull's eye Florida - Oil on seafloor heading east

According to CNN‘s report ‘Plumes of Gulf oil spreading east on sea floor,’ University of South Florida researchers found oil on the seafloor “all along their way” during a 10-day mission that did get much closer than 25 miles from the BP blowout.

Scientists are now suggesting that the naturally occurring microbes are not be able to breakdown the oil as anticipated. The crude is breaking down “much slower” than was originally thought.

CNN adds, “The oil could well up onto the continental shelf and resurface later, according to researchers.”

Perhaps this is why weeks after the well was ‘capped’, researchers from the National Aquarium and Johns Hopkins University traveled to Southwest Florida to perform sampling of Gulf waters: Top scientists testing Sarasota Bay to evaluate HUMAN “bioaccumulation” and “long-term natural resource damages” from oil disaster

*Today’s first report about oil approaching Florida via the seafloor: New report reveals ocean floor COVERED in CRUDE OIL just 40 miles from Florida coast and heading east.

Editor's note: It's seems that the more time ticks by, the more "fact" become lie. See what dangers threaten Gulf residents and ecosystem here.

Israeli Attack On Iran Imminent?

NEWSMAX.COM John Bolton: Russia's Loading of Nuke Fuel Into Iran Plant Means Aug. 21 Deadline for Israeli Attack

By: David A. Patten

News that Russia will load nuclear fuel rods into an Iranian reactor has touched off a countdown to a point of no return, a deadline by which Israel would have to launch an attack on Iran's Bushehr reactor before it becomes effectively "immune" to any assault, says former Bush administration U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton.

Once the fuel rods are loaded, Bolton told Fox News on Friday afternoon, "it makes it essentially immune from attack by Israel. Because once the rods are in the reactor an attack on the reactor risks spreading radiation in the air, and perhaps into the water of the Persian Gulf."

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin declared in March that Russia would start the Bushehr reactor this summer. But the announcement from a spokesman for Russia's state atomic agency to Reuters Friday sent international diplomats scrambling to head off a crisis.

The story immediately became front-page news in Israel, which has laid precise plans to carry out an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities while going along with President Obama's plans to use international sanctions and diplomatic persuasion to convince Iran's clerics not to go nuclear.

Gulf Oil Disaster: Study Confirms Growing Threat To Coast

BP oil spill 'more damaging, widespread' than first thought - study Herald Sun.com

NEARLY 80 per cent of the crude oil released into the Gulf of Mexico remains in the area's ecosystem, researchers at the University of Georgia concluded yesterday in a report that contradicted the rosier estimates of the Obama Administration.

Up to 3.2 million barrels of the toxic substance have not been cleaned up, the independent researchers found - higher than the estimates given by the federal scientists working for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Department of Interior.

"The oil is still out there, and it will likely take years to degrade," marine sciences professor Charles Hopkinson concluded.

Scientists from both the Obama Administration and University of Georgia (UGA) agreed it was likely that 4.9 million barrels of oil gushed out of the Macondo well after the BP-leased Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20, killing 11 people.

But the Obama Administration's account of what happened next to the oil at the well site located 50 miles off the coast of Louisiana is disputed by the UGA study.

Its researchers criticise Federal scientists for releasing their conclusions with supposedly scant and unverifiable data.

The NOAA report declined to give a single figure for oil that remained in the Gulf, though its piecemeal estimates of each cleanup component were more generous than the UGA report.

UGA scientists made their own estimates for variables such the evaporation rate of oil that came into contact with the atmosphere, and the degradation rate of oil compounds in the Gulf.
They suggested that US Government scientists may have underestimated the dangers that the oil poses to local communities.

For example, oil that was dispersed as micro-droplets, for instance, may still be "highly toxic," the study said.

"The most toxic components of crude oil are the least likely to be naturally degraded," the report said.

Even some of the oil that all parties agreed was released and subsequently purged could still be a threat, according to the study.

Oil that was evaporated into the atmosphere, for one, could still be a danger for years to come, it said.

Impact on health

Meanwhile, another study published overnight in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggested the spill's impact on human health is subtle and may not be seen immediately.

For clues to both the short-term and the long-term health effects of the oil spill, researchers studied cases associated with previous oil spills, all of which the authors noted, were far smaller than the Deepwater Horizon spill.

They discovered for example, that workers on the 1989 Exxon-Valdez spill in Alaska have, years later, a higher prevalence of chronic airway diseases.

Clean-up workers tend to suffer most because they are exposed to volatile organic compounds, chemicals that tend to evaporate when they reach the water's surface.

These compounds, such as benzene, are known to cause respiratory problems and are linked to certain cancers.

But, the researchers from the Department of Medicine at the University of California-San Francisco wrote that the potential health impacts extend beyond the workers on oil spills.

Nearby residents, too, may develop health problems either by exposure to crude oil in the water or by chemicals in the air. There also exists the possibility that seafood and drinking water in those communities may become contaminated.

The consequences are not only physical.

People exposed to the Exxon Valdez spill also proved, years later, to have high rates of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, the study concluded.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Magnitude 6.9 Quake Rocks Ecuador

Magnitude 6.9 quake rocks Ecuador - USGS

A strong 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador on Thursday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

The quake struck at 1154 GMT and was centered 87 miles (140 km) east of Ambato, at a depth of 115 miles (185 km).

The USGS initially reported the quake as 6.7 magnitude, then revised the strength to 7.2, before putting the figure at 6.9.

The U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that a tsunami did not appear to be generated, based on historical models.

Editor's note: The U.S. west coast seems to be the only region that has not been shaken by a 5.0 magnitude or larger event this week as a part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Is time running out?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Berserk Weather Causes Worldwide Chaos

From floods in Pakistan to droughts in Russia, "extreme and very unusual" weather across the world is bringing death and misery to millions of people.

2010 is already being branded as the year the weather went berserk.
In Pakistan, floods have claimed over 1,600 lives and left over two million people homeless.
Countries across the world are scrambling to donate aid supplies to the 14 million people affected by the flooding.

In China, massive downpours have caused mudslides, killing more than 1,117. Rescue teams have given up trying to find survivors and are attempting to locate bodies.
There is growing concern that supplies of clean drinking water could become contaminated and the National Meteorological Centre is reporting more heavy rain, with up to three inches forecast for Friday.

Rivers have also swollen in central Europe with hundreds of people evacuated across Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic.

HT: Opinionbug.com

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

1,100 Missing in China Amid Sweeping Asia Floods

More Than 300 Dead as Rain-Triggered Landslides Strike Northwest, Collapsing Buildings and Burying Victims in Mud and Rubble

(AP)-Rescuers dug through mud and wreckage Monday searching for more than 1,100 people missing after flash floods and landslides struck northwestern China, one of a series of floods across Asia that have killed hundreds and spread misery to millions more. Chinese state media says the death toll in Sunday's massive landslide has risen to 337. In Pakistan, frustrated victims railed against the government's anemic relief effort for the estimated 13 million affected by the country's worst-ever floods, while rescuers in mountainous Indian-controlled Kashmir raced to rescue dozens of stranded foreign trekkers and find 500 people still missing in flash floods that have killed 140.

Baptist World Congress Mirrors UN Millennium Development Goals

From The Message of the 20th Baptist World Congress

From the 20th Baptist World Congress, meeting July 28-August 1 in Honolulu, Hawaii:

"...In step with the Spirit, we renew our commitment to:

support the values reflected in the UN Millennium Development Goals. Because the Spirit of the Lord is upon us, we have been anointed us to:

  • remove the scourge of poverty and hunger
  • support efforts to provide universal education
  • work for environmental sustainability
  • promote gender equality
  • improve child health and maternal health
  • combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
  • develop global partnerships
Editor's note: Let's take a look at what's behind the UN Millenium Goals from Kjos Ministries:

Like most other UN documents, its Millennium Goals sound kind and compassionate. They are designed to appeal to noble instincts and caring hearts -- and they do! That's why nations, corporations, organizations and churches have joined the global campaign. Who would disagree with these eight lofty goals?

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
2. Achieve universal primary education.
3. Promote gender equality and empower women.4. Reduce child mortality.5. Improve maternal health.6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.7. Ensure environmental sustainability.
8. Develop a global partnership for development.

Of course, there's more to this list than nice-sounding words. The motivational vision of a worldwide welfare system may have captured hearts around the world, but it actually serves the grandiose aims of socialist change agents who have little concern for human suffering. (Just look how government leaders are treating the victims of hurricane Katrina!) Yet, no other program has more effectively linked the evangelical church to the UN management system, which, from its birth, declared war on Biblical truth and values.[9] And no other program has more effectively drawn Christians into a process designed to manipulate the masses, undermine traditional values, silence resisters, synthesize beliefs, trade individual thinking for collective thinking, and train global citizens to serve the "greater whole."[10]

See more on the UN and the rising one world system that the BWA emulates.

In this news piece, now former BWA president David Coffee encourages the bible-less, pragmatic movements to listen to the Spirit...

HONOLULU (ABP) -- Human effort and creative strategies lead to futility apart from an anointing by God’s Holy Spirit, British Baptist leader David Coffey told the opening session of the Baptist World Congress July 28 in Honolulu.

Coffey, who completes his five-year term as president of the
Baptist World Alliance at the quinquennial gathering, challenged Baptists from around the world to hear and heed the Holy Spirit.

“We can be a purpose-driven church. We can be seeker-sensitive church. We can be emergent and creative church. We can be justice-and-peace church. We can be a conservative Calvinist church. But if we fail to hear the Holy Spirit of the living God, then all our serving will be futile and fruitless,” he said.

Editor's note: Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. The pragmatism represented by the church movements David Coffey lists above subjugates the Authority of Scripture preaching and teaching, supplanted by commercialism, meeting felt needs and doing good deeds. If we fail to hear the Spirit of God, it's because we fail to read the Word of God, and do what the Scriptures say.

Christ’s Apparition Attracts Thousands

BENIN CITY, NIGERIA- St Paul’s Catholic Church along Airport Road in Benin City, yesterday, turned into a mecca of sorts as people from all walks of life thronged the church to catch a glimpse of what has been literally described as an apparition of Jesus Christ.

The uncommon but holy phenomenon according to catholic faithful and enthusiasts present at the church premises, came up early Wednesday morning immediately after the offering of adoration at the church. It has however generated so much frenzy amongst catholic faithful and non-Catholics who jostled through the ever-busy Airport Road in the state capital to witness the rare spiritual occurrence.

According to Rev. Fr. John Edosomwan, a Catholic Priest in Edo State, the “apparition of Christ” to people serves to reinforce the faith of Christians in the presence of Christ while tending to reassure the present day followers of Christ that they should re-direct their steps to the faith as exemplified by Christ in the holy scriptures.

Extreme Weather Experienced Worldwide

From VOA.com
These past few months have been filled with extreme weather in many parts of the world, and climatologists are trying to figure out what to make of it. From flooding in China to wildfires in Russia, strong winds in Australia to stiffling heat in the United States, with waterspouts over Miami Beach, Florida. It's the season of unusual weather.

In Pakistan, floodwaters have swallowed whole villages and killed 1,500 people. "It rained the whole day and night. We did not sleep," said Mohammad Yaseen, a retired solder.

In China, torrential rains brought on the worst floods in a decade. Roads under two meters of water. Landslides surprising drivers. "I saw a rock falling down and then suddenly I heard a terrible noise, and another boulder hit my car and I was stunned," said Jiang Qidi, a driver.

In Russia, weeks of record-breaking heat and little rain are hampering efforts to extinguish wildfires. Flames surrounded and nearly trapped this group of volunteers.

Analysts say the world should be aware of the consequences. "We pray to God day and night for rain to fall, to change this weather. It is the only thing which can help us," said Igor Vlaznev, a Russian firefighter.

BP-Gulf Oil Disaster Critic Found Dead

Oil Industry expert Matt Simmons was a staunch critic of BP's handling and reporting on the gulf oil disaster...he was found dead.

Matt Simmons apparently drowned at his home Sunday night

NORTH HAVEN, Maine (NEWS CENTER) - The Rockland area is mourning the loss of the man who had hoped to make the city the heart of a new energy industry. Matthew Simmons, a longtime summer resident of Rockport, died Sunday night at a summer house on North Haven island. He was 67 years old. According to the Medical Examiner's office, Simmons drowned. A statement earlier in the day from the Ocean Energy institute in Rockland, which Simmons created, said Simmons suffered a heart attack while using his hot tub. The Medical Examiner's office says Simmons was suffering from heart disease, which may have been a contributing factor in the drowning.

Editor's note: When Matt Simmons spoke on the existence of oil venting from the ocean floor, investors listened, and The Street responded: New BP Seepage Spooking Investors.

See more on the Gulf Oil Disaster here.

7.5 magnitude quake strikes Vanuatu

SYDNEY (AP) — Panicked residents of Vanuatu raced for higher ground after a powerful earthquake rattled the South Pacific island nation and generated a small tsunami on Tuesday.

The 9-inch (22 centimeter) wave was observed off the capital Port Vila, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. Police said there were no immediate reports of major damage or injuries from the wave or the 7.5 magnitude quake that preceded it, though buildings shook and power lines were down.

"It was quite a significant earthquake, and we're still having a few aftershocks," Ben McKenzie of the New Zealand High Commission told The Associated Press by phone from Port Vila.

The quake hit about 25 miles (40 kilometers) northwest of Port Vila at a depth of 22 miles (35 kilometers), the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Police spokesman John Frat told the AP that officials had not received any reports of injuries or major damage, but described the temblor as "a very sharp quake — it was the worst I have felt in my life."

4 people feared dead after volcano eruption in Indonesia

(CNN) Jakarta, Indonesia -- Four people are missing and feared dead after a volcano eruption in Indonesia, according to a National Disaster Mitigation Agency official.

Mount Karangetang, on Siau Island, is one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes, according to The Jakarta Globe.

In Friday's eruption, about five people were injured, one seriously, said the disaster official, Priyadi Kardono. Sixteen families, about 65 people, were evacuated from their villages to safer ground.

At least one house was buried and several other buildings, including a church, were damaged, Kardono said. Rescue and aid teams have been sent to the area. A bridge was also damaged, isolating about six villages with about 20,000 residents. Communication lines are down.

A Gavel Falls on Marriage: The Proposition 8 Decision

A Gavel Falls on Marriage: The Proposition 8 Decision

By Dr. Albert Mohler

The importance of the decision handed down yesterday by U. S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker in California’s Proposition 8 trial will be difficult to exaggerate. Proponents of same-sex marriage immediately declared a major victory — and for good reason. The editorial board of The New York Times declared the verdict “an instant landmark in American legal history,” and so it is, even if later reversed upon appeal.

Judge Walker’s decision is sweeping and comprehensive, basically affirming every argument and claim put forth by those demanding that California’s Proposition 8 be declared unconstitutional. That proposition, affirmed by a clear majority of California voters, amended the state’s constitution to define marriage as the union of a man and a woman. In one brazen act of judicial energy, California’s voters were told that they had no right to define marriage, and thousands of years of human wisdom were discarded as irrational.

Gulf Oil Disaster: Doctor Warns of The Black Wave Rising

Dr. Tom Termotto, National Coordinator for the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (International Citizen´s Initiative ) in Tallahassee, Florida, has written an extremely important Press Release, about the profound environmental and health impacts of the BP Gulf Oil Spill, and the necessary resources for the Healthcare Provider...


What do you get when you mix

oil & methane gas,

with oil dispersant (COREXIT),

with radioactive effluent,

with surface-burning oil slicks (petroleum+dispersant),

with lots of dead marine life of every sort and kind

in the Gulf of Mexico during a hot and humid summer?


A toxic petrochemical stew which is neither safe to eat from, nor swim in. The affected beaches, wetlands, marshes and estuaries should also be viewed with great caution, or avoided altogether.

Many in the MSM have been trumpeting the miraculous recovery of the Gulf of Mexico in the wake of the successful capping of the gushing oil well at the Macondo Prospect. Of course there are also those from whom common sense has not fled. Thankfully, we still have among us reasonable people who are able to utilize the human faculty of reason. We pray that there will be many others who will understand the simple facts of life in the Gulf, which has taken on an awesome toxic burden – a toxic load of various chemicals, pollutants, contaminants, and poisons that ought to be dealt with very carefully and with great circumspection.

See also: Crabs provide evidence oil tainting Gulf food web

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Solar Tsunami Rocks Out 6.0+ Magnitude Quakes

Yesterday a SPACEQUAKE ALERT: Solar Tsunami to Strike Earth was flashed to alert readers to the repercussions of the imminent impact of the solar storm upon the earth. From the Watcher's Lamp post:

" This solar tsunami may produce more than a spectacular light show. As previously reported, when the earth is in the path of solar storms, the earth's magnetic field takes a beating, which can cause:

The Rice Space Institute at Rice University described the storm: ..."although it was a nice storm, it wasn't a huge one."

In the last 24 hours (Aug 4, 10:00 PM) significant quake events have occured:

(5) 4.8 - 5.4 quakes, (4) 6.0+ quakes and (1) 7.0 quake.


MAG 6.0 2010/08/04 23:48:03 EAST OF THE KURIL ISLANDS



MAG 5.4 2010/08/04 21:51:25 ( 87 mi) WSW of Adak, ALASKA

MAG 4.8 2010/08/04 18:04:17 29 km (18 mi) ENE of Jackson, WYOMING


MAG 5.3 2010/08/04 10:07:12 TONGA


MAG 6.0 2010/08/04 04:46:22 SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS

Alaska has been experiencing the "endless earthquake" phenonema for the last several weeks.

Believers gather to see 'crying' Mary statue

GLENDALE, Calif. (KABC) -- In the living room of a modest home in Glendale, they come to pray.
Some become emotional over a statue of Mary. In the Armenian Catholic community, she's Maryam.

Since last Monday, people from Glendale, and as far away as Pasadena and Montebello, have come to pray to her.

According to the homeowner, Ana Hid, who said she's a deeply religious woman, the statue started to shine, it felt oily.

"She was shining," Hid said. "I grabbed the statue, and my hand, it was all oily."

Word got out, and some admit they were curious to see what was going on inside.

"What I see is people filled with hope," said Rosie Rizo of Los Angeles. "I think there are a lot of families asking for help in different aspects of their lives, and are praying for a better today and a better tomorrow."

See why Mary of Rome is not the Mary of the Bible.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Tale of Two Oil Spills

Riki Ott, marine toxicologist and author of Not One Drop: Betrayal and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill makes this observation in her article :
"...last week in Calhoun County, Michigan, an Enbridge pipeline ruptured, spilling at least 19,500 barrels of oil. At least thirty families were temporarily relocated because of the stench and roads and beaches were closed. Health officials have warned people to stay away from the fumes and beaches, and to avoid swimming and fishing near oiled areas. “It’s a very toxic and dangerous environment,” Calhoun County health officer Jim Rutherford said.

If spilled oil is “toxic and dangerous” in Michigan, it’s also toxic and dangerous in the Gulf. But in the Gulf, public officials have downplayed the health risk despite hard evidence of an epidemic of chemical illnesses related to, I believe, the oil-chemical stew.

The fact that the official story in the Gulf does not match what people are experiencing is more alarming to me than the oil disaster. How can our president hold BP accountable if he accepts – or worse is complicit in – the crime?"
See more on the Gulf Oil Disaster here.

SPACEQUAKE ALERT: Solar Tsunami to Strike Earth


Earth is bracing for a cosmic tsunami Tuesday night as tons of plasma from a massive solar flare head directly toward the planet.

The Sun's surface erupted early Sunday morning, shooting a wall of ionized atoms directly at Earth, scientists say. It is expected to create a geomagnetic storm and a spectacular light show -- and it could pose a threat to satellites in orbit, as well.

"This eruption is directed right at us and is expected to get here early in the day on Aug. 4," said Leon Golub of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "It's the first major Earth-directed eruption in quite some time."

Editor's note: This solar tsunami may produce more than a spectacular light show. As previously reported, when the earth is in the path of solar storms, the earth's magnetic field takes a beating, which can cause:

Scientists now report that "spacequakes" occur in the earth's upper atmosphere during the solar assault upon the earth. Magnetic vortices are formed that direct the energy of the spacequake toward the surface of the earth, with the force of a magnitude 5 to 6 earthquake.

The earth's defenses against this solar assault are significantly weakened with the discovery 0f a giant breach in the earth's magnetic field.

Here's a recipe for solar induced, terrestrial disasters:

  • direct impact of the coronal mass ejection ( solar storm )

  • the backlash of the subsequent magnitude 5 0r 6 spacequake

  • the giant breach in the earth's magnetic field

  • the ramping up of the solar maximum now and peaking in May 2013.

See related articles: WARNING: The Coming Solar Storm , WARNING: The Coming Solar Storm, Part II , The Coming Solar Storm Part III , The Solar Storm Threat and 2012 , Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe

See all articles on the impact of the Solar Storm.

Breaking news - COREXIT fears destroying eco-system

A report today from Fox 8 in New Orleans reveals that the "orange blobs found lodged in the bodies of tiny blue crab larvae collected from marshes that stretch from Texas to Florida" appear to contain Corexit, according to preliminary results from researchers at Tulane University.

See also: Attention Gulf Coast: Prepare To Abandon Ship, Exxon Valdez Survivor Sounds Alarm On Gulf Disaster , Gulf Oil Disaster: The Suicide Economy , Secrecy surrounding the Gulf Coast devastation is criminal , Gulf of Mexico's Airborne Toxins Move Inland - Dr. Says MOVE OUT

See all related articles on the Gulf oil disaster here.

Magnitude 3.0 Earthquake Hits New Orleans Region

Magnitude 3.0 Earthquake hits Gulf of Mexico New Orleans Region by Geologist Chris Landau

A magnitude 3.0 Earthquake has occurred yesterday, almost at midnight, 80 miles NW of New Orleans and 35 miles) NNE of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Sunday, August 01, 2010 at 11:34:28 PM with an epicenter located at 30.873N, 90.874W. The earthquake occurred at a depth of 3.1 miles according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Infrequent earthquakes occur here. By the very nature of this being a shallow earthquake, it is probably related to oil drilling. Subsidence due to removal of oil and gas in the earth's crust is probably responsible for this event.

Editor's note: The removal of oil and gas...sounds like the BP Gulf Oil disaster may cause a domino effect by disturbing the New Madrid fault line.