Friday, May 2, 2008

First Passover Lamb Sacrificed in Jerusalem since 70AD


I warn you this is graphic but shows another step toward the building of the temple in Jerusalem. The first sacrifice of a passover lamb in Israel since 70 ad. Took place just a few days ago during the Jewish Passover.

I made myself watch because I realised I was watching something that has not taken place for almost 2,000 years. I was witnessing the commencement of the Jewish sacrifices in modern Israel. Sacrifices that have to begin because the scripture says in Daniel 9 antichrist will put a stop to them.

He cannot stop them if they are not taking place. Well after almost 2,000 years since the last sacrifice took place the sacrifices began again just a few days ago. The priests and their robes are ready;the utensils for temple service have been recreated;the sacrifices have begun. All they need is the temple to be built which antichrist will desecrate.

Surely antichrist is waiting in the wings. Surely we are very near the end of days.Watch the sacrifice here but be warned because of the graphic content.

We know the Lamb of God was slain 2,000 years ago putting an end to the sacrificial system once and for all when he sealed it with his own blood. May his people come to realise the futility of a system that God himself ended with the blood of his own Son the Messiah Jesus.

HT: Shofar Ministries

See also First-Ever: First-Temple Building Remains Found

1 comment:

  1. I believe Passover is to be observed at the Family level. From the time of Moses(Mosha) to today this observance was to be done within each family unit. I find it hard to believe that it has not been observed since A.D. 70. One other point I need to make here is it is one of 3 observances which were performed in Jerusalem. I could see where this has not taken place in Jerusalem since A.D. 70.


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