Thursday, December 20, 2007

Willow Creek & The New Monasticism

In October 2007, Bill Hybels announced "We made a mistake" regarding the seeker sensitive approach to "doing" church. Willow Creek's 2008 Emergent & Mystical Youth Conference clearly is an indication of the almalgamation of the obsolete seeker sensitive and the emerging church movement.

Another indicator appeared in September 2007 in Willow Creek's Ancient Future Group Life Conference. The Ancient Future title refers to the phrase and philosphy of Robert Webber Webber promoted the following:

" Ancient-Future Faith is characterized by connection. It is alright to be an Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Anabaptist, Fundamentalist, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Charismatic or Contemporary Christian. While there are differences, Christians are not to be divided over them, but seek to understand particulars while affirming unity in the common tradition. These divisions and new movements are to be understood in their cultural settings and affirmed. Because there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, we are brothers and sisters connected to the same family. This ecumenical conviction is central to an Ancient-Future vision."

The Willow Creek Group Life Conference featured emergent author Alan Hirsch, and Mark Van Steenwyk's of Jesus among many. In the video below, Van Steenwyk's shares some of his thoughts on the new monasticism during a session at the Conference.


  1. What is your point in sharing this?

  2. Same as yours and Willow Creek...
    To explain what the New Monasticism is about.



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